This week @Vaccines is curated by Kirsten Mathieson (@kirstmath) from Save the Children (@savechildrenuk). Kirsten advocates for equitable health coverage, to ensure that all children can access essential health services, including immunisation, as part of their right to health. Kirsten will be tweeting in the lead up to and during Save the Children’s online report launch of ‘Further, Faster, Fairer: Reaching every last child with immunisation’ on Thursday, 6 October at 4-5pm (UK) – Click here to join via WebEx. Follow @Vaccines for live updates during the event and use #FurtherFasterFairer to join the conversation.

Save the Children advocates at global and national levels to ensure that all children, regardless of where they are born and in all settings, including during crises and fragile settings, have access to and can utilise immunisation, as an early priority in building Universal Health Coverage. Breaking down the barriers that drive exclusion from immunisation and other health services is possible – but requires renewed political leadership, commitment and investment. At the midpoint of the 2011–2020 Global Vaccine Action Plan – when progress has slowed and is off track – we are calling for accelerated action to achieve universal immunisation coverage. We must do more to reach every last child.

This year Save the Children launched an ambitious new global campaign to help end exclusion and ensure that Every Last Child survives and thrives. The campaign calls on decision makers at the household, local, national and international levels to ensure barriers that exclude children from accessing life-saving services are eliminated.