Dads are a key ingredient in supporting child health, but they are not always included in efforts to persuade caregivers to bring children to health clinics for vaccinations and other essential services.

In time for Father’s Day, we share some snaps of when dads around the world have been part of looking after their babies and giving them the best possible start in life with vaccination.

Above, Sidiki and his baby Washilatou wait for a vaccine in Burkina Faso (photo: Gavi/ Juliette Bastin).


Getting ready to attend a health clinic in Sierra Leone. (Photo: Gavi/ Kate Holt.)


A mum and dad smile after taking their baby for vaccinations in Nepal. (Photo: Gavi/ Oscar Seykens.)


A dad holds his daughter at a vaccination clinic in Kyrgystan. (Photo: Gavi/ Victoria Ivleva.)


A dad and his daughter in Sierra Leone. (Photo Gavi/Doune Porter.)


A family at a vaccination clinic in Rwanda. (Photo: Gavi/Diane Summers.)


Isaac (62) holds his son, Hassan (2) at the malnutrition and cholera vaccination centre in Banadir hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia. (Photo: Gavi/Karel Prinsloo.)