“‘la Caixa’ Foundation started to work with Gavi in 2008, providing support to the fight against child mortality. Within this framework we think it is extremely important to work on child vaccination. For this reason we tried to find the best partner we could have; this is Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.

Gavi is one of the most important global alliances in the world. It involves not only the private sector, but also the public sector, as well as donor and developing countries. This was one of the reasons why we decided to work with Gavi in the first place.

We began working with Gavi directly through “la Caixa” Foundation donations. In recent years  we have also been deeply involved in engaging our clients and key stakeholders to support the great work that this international organisation is doing.

We are in Mozambique right now, where we are supporting the pneumococcal vaccine. It’s extremely important to see the work that Mozambique’s Ministry of Health, Gavi and all the partners are doing on the ground to protect children against deadly diseases.

We think that the private sector has an important role to play in global health. For this reason not only do we collaborate through funds, but also through trying to add value to the work international organisations and governments are doing.

Global health is one of the most important causes we have to support, especially in developing countries. Companies, like “la Caixa” can contribute to raising awareness and engaging more people, other companies and individual, clients to become part of this fundamental cause.”

Photo:  Gavi 2017/G. Dingemans.