Meeting in Washington, DC and seeking to address the devastating resurgence of measles, the Board approved up to an additional US$ 162 million to control and prevent outbreaks in developing countries.

This decision topped a year of progress outlined in a report card reviewing developments since GAVI's first pledging conference on 13 June 2011, at which donors pledged funding to immunise an additional 250 million children by 2015 to save four million lives.

Meeting documents

00a Document list pdf

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 00a

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC, USA

Sunday 10 and Monday 11 June: Pre -Board meetings
Tuesday 12 June: 09.00 -17. 30 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 13 June: 08.30 -17.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Thursday 14 June: Post -Board meetings
Document list
00a - Document list
00b - Agenda
01a - Declarations of interest
01b - Minutes from 16 -17 November 2011
01c - Minutes from 12 April 2012
01d - Action sheet
01e - Board workplan
01f - Consent agenda: Board and Committee member appointments
01g - Consent agenda: Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Policies
01h - Consent agenda: Evaluation Policy
02 - CEO?s report (To follow)
03 - Committee Chair reports - No paper
04 - Financial forecast
05 - Report of the internal auditor
06 - Amendment to the Programme Funding Policy
07 - Business planning process and risk management update
08 - Amendments to Statutes and By -Laws
09 - Chair?s reflections on the day ? No paper
10 - Chair's overview - No paper
11 - Committee Chair reports - No paper
12 - Options for enhancing GAVI's investment in measles prevention
13 - Vaccine introduction grants and operational support for campaigns
14 - Continued funding for special studies
15 - Programme update: Accelerated Vaccine Introduction (To follow)
16 - Country presentation ? No paper
17 - GAVI support to Civil Society Organisations
18 - Long -term funding strategy
19 - IFFIm report - No paper
20 - IFFIm/GAVI Fund Affiliate restructuring
A - India strategy update (For information only)
B - Programme update : country programmes (For information only )

00b Agenda pdf

Board -201 2-Mtg -2-Doc 00b

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
12-13 June 2012
Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC, USA

Sunday 10 and Monday 11 June : Pre -Board meetings
Tuesday 12 June : 09.00 -17.30 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 13 June : 08.30 -17.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Thursday 14 June: Post -Board meetings
Quorum: 14


Pre -Board Meetings ? Su nday , 10 June 2012
Item Subject Room Schedule

Coffee available Congressional 14 .00 -16.00
Pre -Board meeting
? GAVI Donors meeting


14 .00-16.00

Pre -Board Meetings ? Monday, 11 June 2012
Item Subject Room Schedule

Coffee available Outside
10.45 -11.30
Pre -Board meetings
? Technical briefing
? GAVI Donors meeting
? All Chairs meeting


8.30 -10. 00
10.00 -13.00
Lunch for all participants Outside
12.45 -13.45
? New Board members meeting hosted by the Chair
? Unaffiliated Board members briefing
? Developing Countries Constituency meeting

14.00 -15.00
15.00 -16.30
15.30 -16.30
Coffee available Outside
16.30 -17.00
? Closed Executive Session Federal 17.00 -19.30

01a Declarations of interest pdf

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 01a 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC, USA

Sunday 10 and Monday 11 June: Pre -Board meetings
Tuesday 12 June: 08.30 -17.45 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 13 June: 08.30 -17.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Thursd ay 14 June: Post -Board meetings
Quorum: 1 4

Declarations of interes t


Section 4 of the Conflict of Interest Policy states, ?Each member of the Board (including
Alternate Board Members and Committee Delegates)...shall complete and submit an a nnual
statement disclosing interests. ? The following declarations were made by members of the
Board present at this meeting on their most recent annual statements :
Member Organisational Interests Financial/ Personal /Advise r Int
Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Chair None GAVI -appointed special advis er
Geeta Rao Gupta, Vice Chair UNICEF GAVI -appointed special advis er
Cristian Baeza World Bank None
Amie Batson USAID (USA/CAN/AUS/JPN/KOR) Johns Hopkins University (Family)
Wayne Berson None GAVI Fund Affiliate (Board)
Simon Bland UK (UK/NOR/IRL Donors) TBD
Dwight Bush None None
Flavia Bustreo WHO TBD
H.R.H. the Infanta Cristina of Spain None ?la Caixa? Foundation (Employee)
Barcelona Inst. for Global Health (Board)
Suraya Dalil Go vernment of Afghanistan TBD
Mahima Datla Dev. Ctry. Vaccine Manu. Net. Biological E Limited (Employee)
Christopher Elias Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation TBD
Maria C. Freire None TBD
Ashutosh Garg None None
Guillermo Gonz?lez Government of Nicaragua GAVI -appointed special advis er
Gustavo Gonzalez -Canali France (FRA/EC/LUX/GER Donors) None
A.F.M. Ruhal Haque Government of Bangladesh GAVI -appointed special advis er
Alan Hinman Task Force for Global Health
(CSO constituency ) Novartis ( Research grant - Measles)
Yifei Li None TBD
Anders Nordstr?m Sweden (NED/SWE/DEN Donors) None

01b Minutes from 16 17 November 2011 pdf

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
16-17 November 2011
Board-2012-Mtg-2-Doc 01b 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
16-17 November 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meetin g commenced at 9.03
Dhaka time on 16 November 2011. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Board Chair, chaired
the meeting.

1.2 The Chair welcomed new Board members and altern ates, Her Royal
Highness Princess Cristina of Spain, and members of the board of the
International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IF FIm). Also, he thanked the
Ministry of Health of Bangladesh for hosting the me eting and the Secretariat
Governance team and local staff of BRAC, WHO, and U NICEF for their
assistance. He cited this as a good example of the GAVI partnership at work.

1.3 The Chair summarised the outcomes of the execut ive session of the Board
held on 15 November 2011: He noted that the process for constructing the
2012 budget had been extraordinary given the change in Secretariat
leadership and committed that the 2013 process woul d be more ordinary,
starting with Executive Committee consultation. Ne xt, he highlighted work to
be done on managing conflicts of interest, includin g clarifying the role of the
vaccine industry in GAVI?s governance. There had be en good dialogue and
proper management of conflicts to date, but the Boa rd needs an agreed-upon,
comprehensive philosophy that can be clearly articu lated to the public. The
Board also discussed roles and responsibilities of the Board, Secretariat and
Alliance partners, and agreed to have a full discus sion at its 2012 retreat.
Finally, the Board received an update from Cees Klu mper, Director of Internal
Audit, on investigations of misuse in recipient cou ntries.

1.4 The Chair reflected on remarks made the previou s evening by Ban Ki-moon,
Secretary General of the United Nations, to the GAV I Board. The Chair
recognised Seth Berkley, Chief Executive Officer, c ommenting on his
determined and enthusiastic start. He also highligh ted Sweden?s positive
assessment of GAVI, noting Sweden?s recently releas ed review that stated
that GAVI is highly relevant to its development coo peration and that GAVI?s
internal and external effectiveness is very high.

1.5 Standing declarations of interest were tabled t o the Board (Doc 01a in the
Board pack). In addition, Ronald Brus reported that given Crucell?s purchase

01c Minutes from 12 April 2012 pdf

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting

12 April 2012
Board-2012-Mtg-1 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
12 April 2012


1. Chair?s report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meetin g commenced at 16.06
Geneva time on 12 April 2012. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Bo ard Chair, chaired the
1.2 The Chair reminded the Board that the Executive Committee was originally
scheduled to meet at this time to consider funding new programmes.
However, he wanted the Board nominees to participat e as equals at the
forthcoming retreat, which necessitated a Board dec ision to appoint them. He
noted that each agenda item at this meeting had bee n reviewed and
recommended at committee level and that the Board c ould take comfort from
those reviews. The Chair also welcomed Board member s elected in Dhaka to
their first Board session.

1.3 Subsequently, standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Board (Doc
1 in the Board pack). ------

2. Programme funding approvals/forecasting

2.1 Bakhuti Shengalia, Director of Technical Suppor t, reviewed the outcomes and
recommendations of the New Vaccine Support and Heal th Systems Funding
Platform Independent Review Committees (IRC), and s ought the Board?s
approval of the recommendations (Doc 2b). The Secre tariat also tabled an
updated financial forecast for 2012-2016, and asked the Board to endorse
multi-year programme budgets in the amount of US$ 5 12,083,141 and near-
term programme liabilities in the amount of $141,61 8,440 (Doc 2a).

2.2 Further, on 11 April 2012, the Audit and Financ e Committee noted that it
reviewed the financial implications of the Programm e Funding Plan contained
within Doc 2a, and that it could be approved by the Board in accordance with
the Programme Funding Policy.

* These minutes were circulated for no-objection ap proval on 21 May 2012, and will become final should no
objections be received by the end of 31 May.

01d Action sheet pdf

Board -201 2-Mtg -2-Doc 01d

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC, USA

Sunday 10 and Monday 11 June: Pre -Board meetings
Tuesday 12 June: 08.30 -17.45 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 13 June: 08.30 -17.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Thursd ay 14 June: Post -Board meetings
Quorum: 1 4

Action sheet

Item Request Matter Responsible Status


16 -17 Nov
2011; ? 4

The Board reiterated its request that the Secretariat
develop an options paper for the April 2012 Board
Retreat on how to maximise outcomes from GAVI
investments. The outline of the paper should be
circulated prior to the Retreat so there is common
ownersh ip of the subject. In terms of content, the paper
should cover broadly: where we are today (costs,
results); expected results in the future; options for
maximising outcomes (increased coverage, reaching
the last 20%, increased focus on countries, new
vacci nes, what additional resources can achieve,
identification of efficiencies, and possible investment in
Measles); and return on investment (in terms of
financial and economic impact on countries, as well as
the possibility of tracking data not just on morta lity but
also on morbidity).




16 -17 Nov
2011; ??
13, 14

? The Board requested the Secretariat to roll out the
performance based health systems funding in
accordance with the design summarised in Annex
1 of the report (Doc 13) starting in 2012 for
countries to use as their existing cash support

? The Board requested the Sec to create a standing
mechanism to engage partners and technical
experts to proactively steer and coordinate work
and share lessons on health systems
strengthening and other cash based support going

? The Board requested the Sec to develop a policy that
clearly defines GAVI?s approach to fragile and under -
performing countries.

? The Board requested the Sec to engag e with
partners in developing the performance based
funding assessment tools and encourage them
when needed to provide technical support.

Schwalbe ,
Greene ,





01e Board Workplan as of 29 May 2012 pdf

Graphical format

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 01e

GAVI Alliance Board Agendas
Performance based funding
Business planing process and risk management update
Board/Cte member appointments
Cte chair appointments
Chair or Vice Chair appointment
Appointment of External Auditor
Statutes and By-law changes
Amendments to Board committee charters
GAVI and fragile states: a country by country approach
Board Travel Policy
GAVI's approach to self-procuring countries
"Use it or lose it" policy
Programme funding approvals/forecasting
Investment in a cholera stockpile
GAVI engagement in lower middle income countries
Annual financial report
Long term funding strategy
Gender Policy
Decade of Vaccines
Chair rpt (Decl of Int, Mins, Acts, W kpl)
CEO report
AVI update
Committee chair reports
IFFIm report
Country presentation
Review of decisions
Any other business
Report of the internal auditor
Information Information
July-Aug Sept NoObj Oct-Nov April 2013 Jan-Mar 2013 June 2013 4-5 Dec May 2013
Decision Decision

01f Board and Committee member appointments pdf


Report to the
Governance Committee

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 01f
Subject : Board and Committee member appointments
Report of: Debbie Adams, M anaging Director , Law and Governance
Authored by: Kevin A. Klock, Head of Governance & Ass t Secretary
Agenda item : 01 f
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operatio ns

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 This report informs the Board of the nominations from the Governance
Committee for committee membership.

2. Recommendations

2.1 The Board is asked to appoint the following person s to the respective
committee s:
(a) Yifei Li as a member of the Audit and Finance Committee effective
immediately and until the committees are refreshed for the 2013
(b) Clarisse Loe Loumou as a member of the Programme and Policy
Committee in the seat currently occupied by Joan Awunyo -Akaba
effective immediately and until the committees are refreshed for the
2013 year.
(c) Magid Al -Gunaid as a member of the Programme and Policy
Committee effective immediately and until the committees are
refreshed for the 2013 year.
(d) Jos Vandelaer as a me mber of the Programme and Policy Committee
in the seat currently occupied by Mickey Chopra effective immediately
and until the committees are refreshed for the 2013 year.
(e) Maria C. Freire as a member of the Governance Committee
effective immediately and u ntil the committees are refreshed for the
2013 year.
(f) Angela Santoni as a member of the Evaluation Advisory Committee
effective immediately and until the earlier of the end of her Board
term or 31 July 2015.
Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board
12 -13 June 2012

01g Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policies pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 01g
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policies
Report of: Debbie Adams, MD, Law and Governance
Authored by: Debbie Adams
Agenda item : 01g
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 This paper follows up from the Board meeting in Dhaka in November 2011 and
the request made by Board members for further time to consider the revised
Conflict of Interest and Ethics Policies. At its most recent meeting the
Governance Committee reviewed the ch anges to the policies presented to the
Board in Dhaka based on comments received from Board members. The
Governance Committee recommended the policies for Board approval.

2. Recommendations

2.1 The Governance Committee recommended that the GAVI Alliance Board:

? Approve the GAVI Alliance Ethics Policy attached to Doc 0 1g ; and

? Approve the revised GAVI Alliance Conflict of Inter est Policy attached
to Doc 01g .

3. Context

3.1 The attached report to the Governance Committee dated 14 May 2012
provides an update of the cha nges made to the proposed GAVI Alliance Ethics
Policy and the revised Conflict of Interest Policy since the Board meeting in
Dhaka and also includes track changes versions of the policies reflecting th os e

4. Next steps

4.1 In case the Board approves th e policies they will become effective on 1 July
2012 .

01h Evaluation policy pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 01h
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Evaluation Policy
Report of: Nina Schwalbe, Managing Director, Policy & Performance
Authored by: Peter Hansen, Abdallah Bchir, Laura Stormont
Agenda item : 01h
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 The purpose of this report is to seek the Board ?s approval of the revised GAVI
Alliance Evaluation Policy .

2. Recommendations

2.1 The GAVI Board Evaluation Advisory Committee (EAC) recommends that the
Board approve the Revised GAVI Evaluation Policy (Annex 1) by adopting the
following resolution:

The GAVI Alliance Board:
? Approves the Revised GAVI Allianc e Evaluation Policy attached as
Annex 1 .

3. Executive summary

3.1 The GAVI Alliance Board approved an E valuation Policy in June 2008 .1

3.2 The policy has been reviewed and revised by the EAC and is being submitted
for approval.

4. Context

4.1 In accordance with the ir charter ,2 the EAC is responsible for reviewing the
GAVI Alliance evaluation policy from time to time and recommending any
proposed changes to the Board.

1 The current policy can be found on the GAVI website or is available from the Secretariat upon request. 2 The EAC charter can be found on the GAVI website or is available from the Secretariat upon request.

02 CEO report pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 02
12 -13 June 2012
Report of the Chief Executive Officer

5 June 2012
Dear Board Members,
Our Board meeting next week in Washington DC will occur around the
UNICEF/USAID Child Survival Call to Action . As you may recall, this special event
started out as an immunisation meeting around the one year anniversary of the GAVI
pledging conference, but now is much broader. We will of course attempt to use the
opportunity to highlight the important role of i mmunisation in preventing child illness
and deaths and have joined with the UN Foundation to hold a side event to celebrate
the anniversary of the pledging conference and all of the work that has gone on since
Immediately after our productive Board retreat in Oslo, Dagfinn joined the
celebrations in Haiti of World Immunisation Week, and I visited Ghana for the
simultaneous launch of pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines. Dagfinn was struck by
the intensification of a vaccination campaign against meas les, rubella and polio by
Haiti?s Ministry of Health as they also prepare for the roll out of pentavalent vaccine
later this year. For me, the excitement of people in Ghana was palpable; there?s
strong national commitment to achieve high and equitable cov erage. It was also
great to see so many members of the Alliance represented, all playing their part in
supporting Ghana in taking a giant step for its children. We will be carefully
evaluating the simultaneous introduction to see what we can learn, inclu ding whether
simultaneous introductions should be more widely encouraged.
This month, we also saw the adoption of the Global Vaccine Action Plan of the
Decade of Vaccines by the World Health Assembly. Discussion emphasised the
centrality of immunisation in publ ic health and health systems, and t he importance of
using existing mechanisms was highlighted by several member states, as was their
support for GAVI. The resolution called for progress to be assessed annually by the
WHO regional committees and th e WHA, which provides a useful opportunity to keep
vaccines as a top priority on the global health agenda.
Achieving our mission
The GAVI Progress Report for 2011 sets out what we achieved together in the first
year of the strategy period including a fu ller data picture than ever before. It shows
that we are generally on track to meet our ambitious goals ? although we will have to
work hard to overcome some of the vaccine cap acity issues discussed below.
Regardless, I think the report is a clear messag e of our shared obligation to deliver on
our existing commitments under the 2011 -2015 strategy ? our first priority. The
report has been sent to you and an animated electronic version will soon be available
on the website.

03 Committee Chair reports no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 03
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Committee Chair reports
Agenda item : 03
No paper

04 Financial Forecast document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 04
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Financial forecast
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance & Operations
Authored by: Barry Greene and Tony Dutson, Senior Director,
Finance & Chief Accounting Officer
Agenda item : 04
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 This paper informs the GAVI Alliance Board of the updated GAVI financial
forecast for 201 1-20 20 (Version 5.0F b).

2. Recommendations

2.1 For information only.

3. Executive summary

3.1 Th e updated GAVI financial forecast incorporates the latest demand estimates
and funding decisions taken to date . The level of resources reflects the results
of the June 2011 Pledging C onference for 2011 -2015 and an assumption for
projection purposes that direct contributions will continue at their 2012 -2014
level in subsequent years.

3.2 The financial forecast extends through 2020 to provide visibility to the Board of
GAVI?s long term expenditure and resource needs . N o funding decisions are
proposed in this paper .

3.3 The forecast indicates that while GAVI will have sufficient resources to cover
the needs of existing p rogrammes, additional resources will be needed to fully
meet estimated demand antic ipated for future programmes (through new
proposals expected in the future for currently supported vaccines ).

4. Context

4.1 See se ction C.

05 Report of the internal auditor pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 05
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Report of the internal auditor
Report of: Cees Klumper, Director of Internal Audit
Authored by: Cees Klumper
Agenda item : 05
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 To inform the Board about Internal Audit?s activities over the past year and to
provide a summary look ahead .

2. Recommendations

2.1 This report does not contain an y recommendations for the Board. It is for
information only.

3. Executive summary

3.1 Internal Audit has reported on the following topics to management and to the
Audit and Finance Committee , since the July 2011 Board meeting:
(a) Actions being undertaken to further improve risk mitigation in GAVI?s cash
support programmes; notably, the Transparency and Accountability Team
has been strengthened and the Country Programmes department is in
the process of being restructured and its headcount increased, among
other actions;
(b) Audi t of the Country Programmes Department, which has provided further
input into the restructuring of the department;
(c) Publication of Internal Audit and investigation reports, for which a protocol
has been established with the Secretariat;
(d) Regular updates on i nvestigations into potential and actual misuse in
cash -support programmes , and their resolution in collaboration with the
affected countries ;
(e) An analysis of the relevance to GAVI of the report issued in September
2011 by the so -called High Level Review Pan el, on how the Global Fund
to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (?the Global Fund?) mitigates risk
in its grant portfolio;

06 Amendment to the Programme Funding Policy pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 06
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Amendment to the Pro gramme Funding Policy
Report of: Barry Greene, Managing Director, Finance & Operations
Authored by: Barry Greene
Agenda item : 06
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : SG3 - Financing

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 This report outlines an approach, recommended by the Audit and Finance
Committee , that would streamline Board and Committee processes for
programme funding decisions and accelerate the provision of cash support to
countries . It would help to optimis e the use of Board and Committee time and
reduce the number and/or duration of meetings .

2. Recommendations

2.1 The Audit and Finance Committee recommended that the GAVI Alliance Board
approve the revised GAVI Programme Funding Policy and adopt the following

?The GAVI Alliance Board:
Approves the revised GAVI Programme Funding Policy attached as Append ix
A to the report on the Amendment to the Program me Funding Policy, Doc 06.?

3. Executive summary

3.1 On a number of occasion s in the course of each year, the Board or Executive
Committee (EC) and the Audit and Finance Committee (AFC) engage in
funding decisions for new proposals and the extension of previously approved
proposals that have been recommended for approval by the Independent
Review Committee (IRC) as well as adjustment of funding for existing
programmes. Such decisions will be considered in eight meetings in 2012,
twice as many as in 2011. A driver of this increase is the commencement in
2012 of the ?rolling? basis for approval of Health Systems Funding Platform
(HSFP) proposals, necessitating more frequen t approval meetings throughout
each year.

07 Business planning process and risk management update pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 07
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Business p lanning process and r isk m anagement
Report of: Helen Evans, Deputy CEO
Authored by: Adrien de Chaisemartin ; Ciara Goldstein ; Claire Hugo;
Nina Schwalbe
Agenda item : 07
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 In November 2010, the Board approved a 5 -year strateg y and business plan
with a 2 -year budget (2011 -2012). As the two -year period draws to a close the
GAVI Alliance will refine the business plan building on less ons learned from
2011 -2012 and develop a budget for the period 2013 -2014. The purpose of
this report is to present the priorities that will drive the definition of deliverables
and associated activities for the 2013 -20 14 period .

1.2 This report is based on consultations including one -on -one interviews with
Board members, workshops with technical staff from Board constituencies and
discu ssions within the Secretariat .

2. Recommendations

2.1 The Board is recommended to :
a) Endorse the strategic priorities for the 2013 -2014 business plan ; and
b) Request the Secretariat and partners to take these priorities into account
when preparing the business plan deliverables and budgets for 2013 -
2014 .
2.2 The Board is also requested to r eview and discuss the GAVI risks and
associated mitigation strategies.

3. Executive summary

3.1 While sustaining efforts accross all the strategic and cross -cutt ing goals as
described in section C of this report , it is recommended that the GAVI business
plan 2013 -14 will focus on the following strategic priorities :

08 Amendments to Statutes and By Laws document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 08
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Amendments to Statutes and By -Laws
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law & Governance
Authored by: Debbie Adams
Agenda item : 08
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 It was agreed at the Oslo retreat in April 2012 that the Governance Committee
would follow up on a number of suggestions and recommendations arising out
of the Board discussion on roles and responsibilities . This paper presents the
proposals for changes to the governing documents (By -Laws and Executive
Committee Charter) which arise from the stepping down of the manufacturers
from the Executive Committee, which the Governance Committee has
recommend ed to the Board for approval.

2. Recommendations

2.1 The Governance Committee recommend ed that the GAVI Alliance Board:
(a) Amend By -Laws Article 3.1.1, clause 3 as follows:
Up to eight additional Board Members (or Alternate Board Members), who shall
each be a voting member of the Executive Committee

(b) Amend By -Laws Article 3.1.2 in its entirety as follows:
The composition of the eight additional Board Members shall be as follows:
? WHO, UNICEF, and the World Bank: Two seats
? Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: One seat
? Developing country governments: One seat
? Donor country governments: One seat
? Unaffiliated Board Members: Three seats

2.2 The Governance Committee recommended that the GAVI Alliance Board:
(a) Amend Article 3 of the Executive Committee Charter to include the
following bullet point:
Approve market and/or commercially -sensitive decisions as part of the
implementation of the supply and procurement strategy.

09 Chair s reflections on the day no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 09
12-13 June 201 2
Subject : Chair ?s reflection on the day
Agenda item : 09
No paper

10 Chair s overview no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 10
12 -13 June 2012

Subject : Chair ?s overview
Agenda item : 10
No paper

11 Committee Chair reports no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 11
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Committee Chair reports
Agenda item : 11
No paper

12 Options for enhancing GAVI s investment in measles prevention document pdf


Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 12
Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Option s for enhancing GAVI?s investment in measles
Report of: Seth Berkley, Chief Executive Officer
Authored by: Alan Brooks , Senior Specialist, Policy & Performance , and
Nina Schwalbe , Managing Director, Policy & Performance
Agenda item : 12
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : SG1 - Underused and new vaccines
Section A: Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 In line with the conclusions of the Board retreat in Oslo in April, 2012, the
Secretariat has developed options and a recommendation to provide additional
financial support for measles vaccination in GAVI eligible countries .
2 Recommendations
2.1 The Secretariat recommends that the Board:
(a) Reques ts the Secretariat to put in place the necessary arrangements in
accordance with Annex 2, Option 2 of Document 12 , for six large
countries at high risk of measles outbreaks ( Afghanistan, Chad, DR
Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Pakistan) to be able to receiv e GAVI
support for measles vaccines and operational costs until these countries
are forecasted to have implemented a measles -rubella (MR) campaign,
or by no later than 2017. This support would be provided in collaboration
with the Measles & Rubella Initiat ive (MR Initiative, formerly the Measles
(b) Approv es US $ 55 million to be made available to the MR Initiative
through the UN Foundation for use through 2017 for outbreaks and other
emerging needs requiring rapid response s, using the mechanism
described in Annex 2 , Option 1 .
(c) Requests the Secretariat - given the importance of measles as an
indication of country support for routine immuni sation ? to develop an
indicator for measles first dose routine vaccine coverage as part of the
achievement of GAVI?s 2011 -2015 Strategy for review by the Evaluation
Advisory Committee .

13 Vaccine introduction grants and operation support for campaigns document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 13
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Vaccine introduction grants and operational support
for campaigns
Report of: Nina Schwalbe, M anaging Director, Policy & Performance
Authored by: Aur?lia Nguyen, Director, Policy & Market Shaping; and
Eliane Furrer , Senior Programme Officer, Policy
Agenda item : 13
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : SG1 - Underused and new vaccines

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 This report presents the recommended revisions to GAVI?s vaccine
introduction grant policy and GAVI?s operational support for campaigns,
including proposed levels of support and their financial implications. The
Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) endorsed the policy to the Board in
its meeting on 23 -24 April 2012.

2. Recommendations

2.1 The PPC recommends that the GAVI Alliance Board :

? Approve the GAVI vaccine introduction grant and operational support for
campaigns policy (the ? Policy ?), as described in Annex 1 of Doc 13;

? Request the Secretariat to make the necessary arrangements to ensure
that vaccine introductions and campaigns occurring on or after 1
September 2012 benefit from the Policy regardless of when th e country
proposal was approved .

3. Executive summary

3.1 Consultations concluded that v accine introduction grants have been
appreciated by countries and, when disbursed in a timely manner, are seen as
critical to successful vaccine introduction. Likewise, GAVI?s operationa l support
to campaigns has facilitated implementation of campaigns and contributed to
increased planning certainty for countries. However, f eedback from countries
and partners indicate that the current policies in place for these two types of
cash support h ave some major weaknesses , which the current revision
attempts to address .

14 Continued funding for special studies document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 14
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Continued f unding for special s tudies
Report of: Nina Schwalbe, Managing Director, Policy & Performance
Authored by: Ciara Goldstein , Analyst, Policy and Performance and
Peter Hansen, Director, Monitoring & Evaluation
Agenda item : 14
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : SG1 - Vaccines & SG2 - Health systems

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 This paper outlines a request for urgent funding for continui ng research studies
submitted by the Accelerated Vaccine Introduction Initiative Technical
Assistance Consortium (AVI -TAC).

2. Recommendations

2.1 The PPC reviewed four urgent special studies proposals from AVI -TAC and
recommended that the GAVI Alliance Board:

? Approve an amount of up to US$ 9.3 million for AVI -TAC to continue two
urgent pneumococcal studies and conduct two urgent rotavirus stud ies
over a three year period, through 2015 .

2.2 In connection with these four urgent studies, the PPC noted that consideration
should be given to the impact of the recent SAGE recommendation to loosen
the age restrictions for the delivery of rotavirus vaccines. To enable an
assessment of this impact , in parallel with the four urgent studies , and
following the PPC, the Secretariat recommends that the Board:

Approve , subject to the Secretariat receiving satisfactory peer review
reports, an amount of US$ 1.8 million for AVI -TAC to conduct a study to
monit or the impact of the SAGE recommendation on widening age
restrictions related to rotavirus vaccine delivery.

3. Executive summary

3.1 The AVI -TAC Special Studies sub -team has identified urgent priority needs
and submitted four study proposals to GAVI in February 2012. Because of the
imperative to address these mission critical questions in a timely manner,

15 Programme Update Accelerated Vaccine Introduction pdf


Report of the
GAVI Alliance Board
12 -13 June 2012

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 15
Subject : Programme update : Accelerated Vaccine Introduction
Report of: Seth Berkley, Chief Executive Officer
Authored by: Jon Pearman, Senior Technical Advisor, Vaccines
Agenda item : 15
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : SG1 - Vaccines & SG4 - Market shaping
Section A: Overview
1 Purpose of the report
1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide a summary on the progress of new
vaccine rollout supported by the Accelerated Vaccine Introduction (AVI)
initiative and progress toward building a platform for future introductions.
2 Recommendations
2.1 For information only.
3 Executive Summary
3.1 Pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines :
(a) In 2012, the GAVI Alliance marked the first simultaneous introduction of
both pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines in Ghana in April. Nine
additional countries are expected to launch pneumococcal vaccines
(bringing the total to 10) and another seven are planned to introduce
rotavirus vaccines (bring ing the total to 8) this year. As reported to the
Board in Dhaka, however, unprecedented levels of demand for the two
vaccines that exceeds available supply will lead to delays in a number of
countries, at this point in time anticipated to affect mainly 2013.
(b) The supply situation remains dynamic. For example, since AVI?s recent
update to the Programme and Policy Committee (PPC) in April, one
manufacturer has confirmed the availability of additional quantities of
pneumococcal vaccines (PCV). Furthermore, the WHO has approved the
expanded use of the novel two dose PCV presentation with special
requirements. Both of these developments could ease supply constraints
for pneumococcal vaccines in 2012 and 2013 (see Annex 1 for details).

17 GAVI support to Civil Society Organisations document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 17
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : GAVI Support to Civil Society Organisation s
Report of: Paul Kelly, Director Country Support , Coutry programme
Authored by: Paul Kelly
Agenda item : 17
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal : SG2 - Health systems to deliver immunisation

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 In July 2011 the GAVI Board ? requested the Secretariat, concurrently with the
evaluation of CSO support in 2011, to review options for direct support to CSOs
for service delivery and advocacy and submit to the PPC for its recommendation
to the Board ?. This paper presents the PPC recommendation for decision.

2. Recommendations

2.1 The Programme and Policy Committee recommend s that the GAVI Alliance Board:

? Decide that Government remains the default approach but direct funding for
CSO activities can be requested as part of a country Health Systems Funding
Platform (HSFP) application (Option 3).

While provision of funds to CSOs through the HSFP is the recommended
option, it should not limit GAVI?s flexibility to engage CSOs directly where
rare and exceptional circumstances require different approaches.
Approaches should be developed in response to country -specific analysis.

? Re quest the Secretariat to prepare an implementation framework
recognising an increased risk in procurement and financial management and
potential resource implications for the Secretariat and whic h draws on the
findings of the E valuation of GAVI support to CSOs and presents why and
how GAVI works with and supports CSOs.

3. Executive summary

3.1 At the July 2011 Board meeting, GAVI?s Civil Society Cons tituency expressed
concern that slow disbursement of GAVI funds for CSO Type B activities was
causing disruption to program implementation and undermining effectiveness.

18 Long term funding strategy document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 18 1
12 -13 June 2012

Subject: Long -term funding strategy

Report of: Joelle Tanguy, M anaging Director , External Relations and
David Ferreira, M anaging Director , Innovative Finance
Authored by: Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao and Programme Funding Team,
Tony Dutson, Kim Hartmann, Geoff Adlide, Jeffrey Rowland,
with Joelle Tanguy and David Ferreira
Agenda item: 18
Category: For Guidance/Discussion
Strategic goal: SG3 - Financing

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the report

1.1 The following initial directions for GAVI?s long -term funding model and
strategy are submitted to the GAVI Board for discussion and feedback. A
long -term funding strategy will be presented to the Board in December 2012
for decision .

2. Recommend ations

2.1 The Board is asked to discuss the key elements and provide guidance to
the Secretariat on (i) the long -term funding model and capital structure, (ii)
burden -sharing directions , and (iii) diversification strategy.

3 Executive summary

3.1 This paper identifies the key priorities of the long -term funding strategy and
presents a roadmap for the replenishment process while building on lessons
learned from the first replenishment .

3.2 The Secretariat proposes that GAVI?s long -term funding strategy focus on the
following three priorities:
(a) Building a long -term funding model that will support a mix of funding
mechanisms that can deliver the predictable and efficient funding required
to meet GAVI?s resource needs .
(b) Moving toward sustainable burden -shar ing with a diversified donor base
complemented by firm co -financing commitments f rom countries and
active market -shaping .
(c) Supporting more predictable replenishment through a four -phase
consensus -building process.
3.3 The Board?s view and guidance is requested regarding:

19 IFFIm report no paper pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 19
12 -13 June 2012

Subject : IFFIm report
Agenda item : 19
No paper

20 IFFIm GFA restructuring document pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc 20
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : IFFIm/GFA restructuring
Report of: Debbie Adams, Managing Director, Law & Governance
Authored by: Anthony Brown, Senior Legal Counsel , and
Louis Mkanganwi, Director of Financial Reporting
Agenda item : 20
Category: For Decision
Strategi c goal : Alliance operations

Section A: Overview
1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 This report updates the GAVI Alliance Board on progress made since the
report presented to the Board at its meeting in November 2011 on the removal
of the GAVI Fund Affiliate (? GFA ?) from the IFFIm structure and sets out a
recommendation for the Board in relation to GAVI undertaking to perform
GFA?s major responsibility under the IFFIm Agreements .1

2. Recommendations

2.1 The GAVI Board is requested to:
(a) Approve GAVI entering into any new grant agreements with the IFFI m
donors once the Finance Framework Agreement (?FFA ?) is amended to
remove the GFA from the IFFIm structure; and
(b) Approve the immediate assignment to the IFFIm Company of any new
grant agreements entered into between GAVI and the IFFIm d onors .

3. Executive summary

3.1 The Secretariat presented at the GAVI Board meeting in November 2011 its
initial analysis on the proposal to remove GFA from the IFFIm structure . That
work is now complete and it is confirmed that there are no legal, tax or
accounting impediments to removing GFA. In addition, we have consulted with
most of the donors to IFFIm and they have expressed support for this change.
Once GFA is removed from the IFFIm structure , the donors have expressed a
preference that GFA?s major responsibility of entering in to grant agreements
with IFFIm d onors should be assigned to GAVI (rather than to IFFIm directly)
1 The IFFIm Agreements includes, among others, the Finance Framework Agreement, Procedures
Memorandum and the Master Defini tions Agreement.

A India strategy update pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc A
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : India strategy update
Report of: Seth Berkley, Chief Executive Officer
Authored by: Ranjana Kumar, Senior Specialist , Country Programmes
Agenda item : A
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : Affects all strategic goals

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the Board on the progress with regard to the
development of a customised strategy for India.

2. Recommendations

2.1 The paper is for information only. A detailed paper with financial implications will be
presented to the Executive Committee for approval later in the year.

3. Executive summary

3.1 This is an exciting phase for the GAVI -India relationship . Since the GAVI Board
meeting in November 2011, we have stepped up our engagement with India. Buoyed
by the success in interrupting polio transmission, India is demonstrating a new vigour
in its commitment to strengthening its immunisation programme.

3.2 Given India?s size and the scale of its own resources, GAVI?s approach continues to
be catalytic, with an emphasis on working with India to enhance the ambition and
effectiveness of India?s own immunisation programme.

3.3 Currently India is working on a reque st for GAVI support to strengthen the health
systems in weaker states thus enabling them to scale up pentavalent vaccines
nationally. A subsequent request for catalytic support to introduce measles -rubella
vaccine is expected. The decision to introduce pne umococcal and rotavirus vaccines
will be based on the successful outcome of clinical trials and other debates currently
underway in India, partial ly supported by GAVI partners. We are closely following
these activities and have offered to assist in any wa y we are able, including support if

3.4 India will also continue to be a priority for GAVI?s market shaping strategy which will
include advocating for the strengthening of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA)
and encouraging the entry of manufac turers to supply current and potential future
GAVI -supported vaccines.

Annex Board Committee minutes pdf

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Annex: Committee minutes

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC, USA

Sunday 10 and Monday 11 June: Pre -Board meetings
Tuesday 12 June: 08.30 -18.15 (Board meeting Day One)
Wednesday 13 June: 08.30 -17.00 (Board meeting Day Two)
Thursday 14 June: Post -Board meetings
Annex: Committee minutes

Annex Pages MINUTES
1-9 - Executive Committee ? 9 March 2012
10 -20 - Audit and Finance Committee ? 11 April 2012
21 -27 - Evaluation Advisory Committee ? 19 -20 January 2012
28 -29 - Evaluation Advisory Committee ? 13 February 2012
30-33 - Governance Committee ? 10 April 2012
34 -43 - Governance Committee ? 14 May 2012 (Decision slides)
44 -46 - Investment Committee ? 28 March 2012
47 -49 - Investment Committee ? 24 May 2012
50 -54 - Programme and Policy Committee ? 23 -24 April 2012 (Decision slides)

Note: Minutes of Committee meetings since Dhaka are included for ease of
reference. The Programme and Policy Committe e minutes from 23 -24 April 2012
and the Governance Committee minutes from 14 May 2012 are not yet approved .
However, their decision slides are attached for information.

B Programme update country programmes pdf


Report to the
GAVI Alliance Board

Board -2012 -Mtg -2-Doc B
12 -13 June 2012
Subject : Programme update: country programmes
Report of: Paul Kelly, Director, Country Support , and
Bakhuti Shengelia, Director, Technical Coordination
Authored by: Paul Kelly and Bakhuti Shengelia
Agenda item : B
Category: For Information
Strategic goal : SG1, SG2, SG3

Section A: Overview

1. Purpose of the repor t

1.1 To update on implementation of GAVI country programmes since reporting to
the Board in November 2011.

2. Recommendations

2.1 This report is for information.

3. Executive summary

3.1 Good progress is being made in India and Nigeria. Pentavalent vaccine has
now been introduced in two states in December 2011 in India and in January
2012 GAVI received a request to scale -up to an additional six states. Nigeria?s
National Vaccine Summit in April has focused high level atte ntion on the
phase -in of pentavalent and pneumococcal vaccines. This will be supported
by reprogramming of GAVI HSS and ISS funds (up to $ 60m in total ) and
targeting of potential new funding (to the tune of US$ 40 million) until the
country graduates .

3.2 Alliance partners are working closely with DRC, Ethiopia and Pakistan to
support them to manage significant implementation challenges related t o
introducing and sustaining new vaccine s. DRC paid its 2010 co -financing
arrears in May 2012 and intends to pay the 2011 amount by June 201 2.

3.3 In February 2012, WHO, UNICEF and the Secretariat reviewed progress on
development of Alliance action plans to support countries achieve and
maintain DTP3 coverage above 70%. WHO will prioritise work in Chad , DRC
and Uganda and finalise plans in Q3 of 2012 .

GAVI Alliance Board Minutes 12 13 June 2012 pdf

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
12-13 June 2012
Board-2012-Mtg-2 1

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
12-13 June 2012
Washington, DC, USA


1. Chair?s report and consent agenda

Chair?s report
1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meetin g commenced at 9.02
Washington time on 12 June 2011. Dagfinn H?ybr?ten, Board Chair, chaired
the meeting.

1.2 The Chair opened the meeting by referencing the Norwegian concept of a
?dugnad,? which he explained was a group of people who come together to
solve problems for the common good. He observed tha t this Board was a
dugnad, and encouraged Board members to engage with each other in that
1.3 The Chair referenced the Child Survival Call to Action organised by USAID,
UNICEF, and the governments of India and Ethiopia t o be held at Georgetown
University on 14-15 June 2012. He also announced th e publication of the
GAVI 2011 progress report, noting that a special on line edition was available.
He reminded the Board that 2011 had been a successf ul year: routine
immunisation rates reached 80%, the Board hired a n ew CEO, and GAVI met
its funding challenge. Now the Chair declared GAVI must ?deliver, deliver,
deliver? on the promises made at the pledging confe rence in June 2011.

1.4 Standing declarations of interest were tabled t o the Board (Doc 1a in the
Board pack). Alan Hinman noted that the Novartis re search grant reported in
Doc 1a was for rabies rather than measles. However, he declared an interest
in the measles decision since he leads a project th at works with the Measles-
Rubella Initiative (MR Initiative). He would recuse himself from that item. Anne
Schuchat reported that the US Centers for Disease C ontrol is involved with
some of the special studies to be discussed at this meeting and in the MR
Initiative; she would recuse herself from those mat ters. Nicholas Alipui and
Simon Bland declared they had no financial/personal interests in any of the
matters to be discussed at this meeting; so their o nly interests were in matters
involving UNICEF and DFID, respectively. Maria C. F reire declared interests
in any matters involving the Lasker Foundation (whe re she serves as
president) or Johns Hopkins University (where a fam ily member is employed),


01f h Consent agenda pdf

Debbie Adams
Consent agenda
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Decision 1: Board and Committee member
appointments (1/4)
The GAVI Alliance Board :
? Appointed the following member to the Audit and Finance
Committee effective immediately and until the committees
are refreshed for the 2013 year :
? Yifei Li

02 CEO presentation pdf

Seth Berkley MD
CEO Board report

GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Overview of presentation
? New results
? Accelerated activities
? Expenditure and resources ? horizon view
? Opportunities and challenges
? Board agenda: key decisions and themes for

03d AFC Chair report pdf

Wayne Berson
Audit and Finance Committee
Chair Report
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Activity since November 2011 Board meeting
? 1 video/teleconference meeting
? Areas reviewed:
1. Financial reporting and audit
2. Financial forecast / programme approvals /
programme funding policy amendment
3. Report of the Internal Auditor
4. Currency hedging
5. Risk management
6. Legal matters


04 Financial Forecast presentation pdf

Barry Greene
Financial forecast
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Projected demand
Includes the new
vaccine windows
(MR, HPV, JE, typhoid)
Prior to any other
new vaccines (and
measles option)
Includes VIG policy
change - the main
difference since last

2011 -15 : $8.0 bn

2016 -20: $7.9 bn

05 Report of internal auditor pdf

Cees Klumper
Report of the internal auditor
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Topics for discussion
? R isk management:
? The process
? Cash support
? Vaccine support
? Investigations update
? Priorities for the coming year

06 Amendment to Programme Funding Policy pdf

Barry Greene
Amendment to the
Programme Funding Policy
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012 ~
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
? Opportunity to streamline processes
? ?Rolling? basis for HSFP proposals from 2012
? requires more frequent funding allotments
? Need for timely operational adjustments to
budgets ? between committee meetings
? Essential to maintain due governance
? while improving operational efficiency

07 Business planning pdf

Helen Evans
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
Business planning process and risk
management update
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 ?13 June 2012
Business Plan 2013 ? 1 4 process
Define high level priorities
for 2013 ?14
Adjust business plan
and budget
1 2
? Each institution proposes
deliverables, activities and
? Coordination and feedback
provided by the Secretariat
? Review by External Advisory
? Review by PPC, AFC
? Board approval
? Review the experience over
the first 2 years
? Interviews with many Board
? Workshops with Board
constituencies for
? SG 1, 2 & 3
? M & E
strategic priorities
Business Plan

08 Amendments to Statutes and By Laws presentation pdf

Debbie Adams
Amendments to Statutes
and By -Laws
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Decision 6: Amendments to Statutes and By -
Laws (1/3)
The GAVI Alliance Board :
? Amended By -Laws Article 3.1.1, clause 3 as follows:
? Up to eight additional Board Members (or Alternate
Board Members), who shall each be a voting member of
the Executive

12 Options for enhancing GAVI s investment in measles prevention presentation pdf

Nina Schwalbe
Options for enhancing GAVI?s
investment in measles prevention
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Background and aim of increased GAVI
? Estimated measles mortality has plateaued around
140,000 deaths.
? Increased routine coverage critical to sustainably
controlling measles
? Outbreaks possible (e.g. every 3 ? 5 years) unless
coverage is high
? GAVI support:
? Long -term strategy for control in six countries
through high routine coverage
? outbreak prevention

13 Vaccine introduction grants and operational support for campaigns presentation pdf

Aur?lia Nguyen
Vaccine introduction grants and
operational support for campaigns
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Background: Vaccine introduction grants
? Until March 2012, GAVI had disbursed ~ 150 vaccine
introduction grants (US$ 28.6m total).

2001 2007 2011 ?12
US$ 100,000 lump
sum for all countries
Revised policy : US$ 100,000 or
US$ 0.30/child in birth cohort
Policy under review to better
serve newer vaccines
e.g. Kiribati Bangladesh
$ $

Newer vaccines: pneumococcal,
rotavirus, HPV , rubella
e.g. Kiribati Bangladesh

14 Continued funding for special studies presentation pdf

Nina Schwalbe
Continued funding for special
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
Special studies background
? Funding for special studies provided under the ADIPs:
? Pneumo (US$ 30m) focused on evidence
generation and disease advocacy
? Rota (US$ 50m) included significant phase IV
investment for data to support SAGE
? Hib Initiative (US$ 30m) designed to promote Hib
disease burden awareness and conduct studies
including phase IV, impact, etc
? AVI TAC Special Studies ? (US$ 11m) for additional
studies required for pneumococcal and rotavirus
vaccine roll -out


15 AVI update pdf

Jon Pearman

Programme update:
Accelerated Vaccine Introduction (AVI)

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
Washington DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
Washington DC, 13 -14 June 2012
AVI update
Rotavirus & Pneumococcal vaccines - status of roll
out & supply


16 Country presentation India pdf

Anuradha Gupta
Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare
Govt. of India
An Overview

India?s Universal Immunization Programme

GAVI Alliance Board Meeting
13 June 2012, Washington DC
Presentation outline
Program Progress
Issue & challenges
Initiatives under UIP


17 GAVI support to Civil Society Organisations presentation pdf

Paul Kelly
GAVI support to Civil Society
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
July 2011 GAVI Board
? Slow disbursement of GAVI funds causing
disruption to CSO programme implementation.
? ?Requested the Secretariat, concurrently with the
evaluation of CSO support in 2011, to review
options for direct support to CSOs for service
delivery and advocacy and submit to the PPC for
its recommendation to the Board .?

18 Long term funding strategy presentation pdf

Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao
Long -term funding strategy
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
? Lessons from first replenishment
? Priorities for long -term funding
? Financing instruments
? Burden sharing directions
? Donor diversification
Overview Reflection Finance Burden share Diversification Guidance

19 IFFIm report pdf

IFFIm report

Ren? Karsenti
Chair , IFFIm Board

David Ferreira
Managing Director for Innovative Finance, GAVI Alliance

GAVI Board Meeting
Washington DC
13 June 2012

International Finance Facility for Immunisation
Significant events in first half of 2012
? S&P downgrade
? Return to capital markets
? IFFIm donor workshop
? Changes to the IFFIm Board

IFFIm report to the GAVI Board
13 June 2012

20 IFFIm GFA Restructuring presentation pdf

Debbie Adams
IFFIm/GFA restructuring
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 ? 13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 ?13 June 2012

? Original rationale for GFA no longer relevant
? Removing GFA will have no effect on existing grant
? Generates savings of up to US$ 1.4 million in direct
costs per year
? IFFIm donors have supported the restructuring


21 GAVI Board Decisions 12 13 June 2012 pdf

Debbie Adams
Review of decisions
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
Washington, DC, USA, 12 -13 June 2012
GAVI Alliance Board meeting
12 -13 June 2012
The GAVI Alliance Board:
? Appointed the following member to the Audit and Finance
Committee effective immediately and until the committees
are refreshed for the 2013 year:
? Yifei Li

Decision 1: Board and Committee member
appointments (1/4)
Last updated: 24 Nov 2019

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