What is Gavi 6.0?

  • Gavi’s sixth strategy – also known as Gavi 6.0 – will set out the Alliance’s vision, mission, strategic goals, objectives, operating principles and critical enablers for Gavi’s sixth strategic period (2026–2030). The strategy, synthesised into a one-page framework format, will be submitted for approval by the Gavi Board in June 2024.
  • Pending Gavi Board approval of this strategy, Gavi and its Vaccine Alliance partners will then have 18 months to prepare for launch in January 2026, when the Gavi 6.0 strategy cycle officially starts.

Why is it important?

  • Gavi 6.0 offers the opportunity to redefine the Alliance’s programmatic priorities and operating model to adapt to changing priorities, technological advances and its evolving operating environment.
  • Hand in hand with the finalisation of this strategy, Gavi will commence a fundraising process, known as a replenishment, to secure resources to fund these future activities.
Gavi 6.0 strategy

How and when will Gavi 6.0 be developed?

The design of Gavi 6.0 will follow three main phases, each involving key touchpoints with the Gavi Board:

Gavi 6.0 phases

The design of Gavi 6.0 will conclude in June 2024. This will leave 18 months to complete the execution of the Gavi 5.0/5.1 agenda; and prepare to implement the key shifts emerging from Gavi 6.0 from day one.

Who develops Gavi 6.0 strategy?

  • The process is led by the Gavi Board, with strong ownership of Gavi’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
  • 6.0 is highly consultative. The 6.0 strategy design relies on extensive consultations with developing country and donor governments, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank, the vaccine industry, technical agencies, civil society, other private sector partners and the Secretariat staff.
  • Working groups within Gavi contribute to develop the strategic options presented to the Board at different points of engagement. They produce analytical work to articulate key strategic options; surface trade-offs; and support consultations with external stakeholders.
  • Gavi’s Strategy Design & Delivery team oversees the end-to-end approach and serves as a coordinator across the Secretariat. The team ensures that the "One Gavi" approach is integrated into the design of the Strategy, and supports Gavi’s leadership and Board in making informed trade-offs.

Gavi 6.0 Alliance Workshop

A major milestone in the design of the Gavi 6.0 strategy was reached in late February 2024: the Gavi 6.0 Alliance Workshop held in Lomé, Togo, bringing together over 120 representatives from implementing country governments, civil society organisations (CSOs), and core and expanded Alliance partners across 29 Gavi implementing countries.

Participants recommended that the Gavi 6.0 strategy aims high – with ambitious goals for vaccine delivery to reach zero-dose children and marginalised communities. They suggested a strategic approach to prioritising vaccines, with support tailored to countries’ financial and programmatic capabilities; and to fostering innovation and partnerships, particularly in fragile and conflict-affected settings. Participants emphasised the importance of strengthening health systems and integration with primary health care; and advocated for simpler and more flexible support systems to enhance global health security.

On behalf of the participants, a writing committee of Dr Lakshmi Somatunga, Dr Shalom Tchokfe Ndoula and Sir Bikor-Aziankou Kodjo summarised the recommendations.

Read the recommendations

The event marked a significant milestone in the country-centric design process for Gavi 6.0 ahead of the April 2024 Gavi Board retreat. Country participants hailed it as a “a unique opportunity to interact” with Gavi, its partners and other countries.

Phase 1: global trends, vision and opportunities

The design of Gavi 6.0 started by exploring global trends and their implications for the future global health landscape. This enabled a vision to start taking shape for Gavi 6.0 that identified high-level opportunities for impact and enablers for success. These trends were then assessed based on available evidence, impact data and opinions collected during consultations with the global health community.

Global trends shaping the global health landscape and Gavi’s agenda

  • Fragility & conflict
  • Climate crisis
  • Deteriorating macro-economic outlook
  • Renewed focus on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and primary health care (PHC)
  • Reshaping global health architecture; spotlight on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (PPPR)
  • Country-driven: focus on country ownership, regional organisations
  • Health innovations

Emerging priorities for Gavi 6.0

Emerging priorities for Gavi 6.0

Phase 2: strategic options and initial trade-offs

Phase 2 aims to identify high-level options for each opportunity for impact and surface trade-offs, to support the Board in making strategic choices about Gavi’s priorities for the next strategic cycle. Two main activities are helping estimate costs and impacts:

  • forecast models across different potential areas of focus; and
  • consultations with representatives from Gavi implementing country governments, Alliance partners in Gavi implementing countries and civil society organisations, culminating in a workshop bringing together over 120 representatives in Lomé, Togo, at the end of February – see video above.

Phase 3: choices and framework

Based on the Board’s guidance, concrete strategic options will be selected and brought together into the Gavi 6.0 strategy (one-page framework format). In June 2024, the Board will be invited to approve the Gavi 6.0 strategy and endorse a tentative Gavi 6.0 operationalisation approach.

Last updated: 19 Jun 2024

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