Application process to apply for a grant

Latest grant opportunities

Call for proposals for CSOs delivering in Ethiopia

  • Applications open Thursday 4 July 2024
  • Applications close Thursday 25 July 2024 at 14:00 (EAT)
  • Guidance webinar for applicants on Zoom: Tuesday 9 July at 12:00 (EAT)

Register to attend

All country-specific call for proposals will be available on this website. Information in each call for proposals will include: when applications open and close, as well as details that will enable applicants to sign up to an informational webinar on the specific call for proposals (which will be held early into the application process).

Once the funding application window has opened, organisations will typically have up to three weeks to upload their responses into Grantelope, the grant management system, and to submit their online application/s.

About our different grant types

Country-specific grant types will be described in each call for proposal. Typically grants will be provided to deliver demand generation / service delivery / supply chain management or advocacy projects, and will vary in value and duration.

Two grant types:

Smaller grants for national or sub-national CSOs that are new to the field of immunisations and/or Gavi funding, that require support to establish themselves in the field of immunisations. These grants will support Gavi’s aim of working with a more diverse range of CSOs.

Larger grants primarily for national-level CSOs and global CSOs who are working in fragile or humanitarian settings.

These are general descriptions and grant parameters may change depending on the country of the call for proposals. Final grant parameters will be available in each country-specific call for proposals.

Priority areas

There are three priority areas for this civil society funding:

  1. to increase immunisation coverage and reduce the number of zero-dose and under-immunised children;
  2. to support the roll-out of HPV vaccines to increase coverage; and
  3. to support the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines as an integral part of routine immunisation to increase both COVID-19 and routine immunisation coverage.

Eligibility criteria

A six-step process for applications is outlined below:

  1. Register
    All applicants will need to register to apply for a grant on Grantelope, the online grant management system.
  2. Complete an eligibility review
    All applicants will need to complete a simple eligibility review against the criteria listed in the specific call for proposals on Grantelope.
  3. Receive invitation to complete application
    If deemed eligible, an invitation to complete an application form in response to a specific country call for proposals is highlighted under Tasks within Grantelope.
  4. Download the guidance available
    Now we recommend downloading all the relevant guidance available so applications can be worked on offline. Note: There will be small nuances on the eligibility criteria depending on each country context, so downloading the specific guidance relating to the specific country is important (see Application guidance below).
  5. Attend an information webinar if available
  6. Complete and submit an application online through Grantelope
    Spend time working through the sections outlined in the application and consulting with colleagues. All applications must be submitted online as anything received via email or any other means cannot be considered.

Application guidance

Technical guidance

  • Call for proposals - Ethiopia guidance (July 2024) (PDF, 243 KB)
    Each country with a call for proposals will have specific guidance for applicants. This guidance is for Ethiopia civil society organisations or entities deemed eligible according to the Eligibility Criteria outlined only.
  • Process guidance (PDF, 266 KB)
    This document outlines in detail, the process which needs to be followed to apply and manage a grant. This guidance applies to all applicants and grantees regardless of country of implementation.
  • Technical guidance (PDF, 202 KB)
    As part of a grant application, a Project Workbook should be completed to support project design. This guidance document provides additional support on integrating gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) into your proposed project. Localisation, learning and risk management are also key considerations featured in this guidance and something we expect all applications to demonstrate. This guidance applies to all applicants and grantees regardless of country of implementation.
  • Accessing Grantelope (PDF, 867 KB)
    To apply for a grant through Gavi’s CSO Funding Mechanism, all applications should be completed on Grantelope, the online grant management system. This guidance document is designed to help applicants navigate the system.
  • Safeguarding policy guidance (PDF, 240 KB)
    Safeguarding is more than a compliance issue – it is an important value we should all uphold in our work, especially with children and adults-at-risk. This guidance is designed to support applicants to develop their safeguarding policy; the characteristics of a good safeguarding policy, and why each element is important. This guidance applies to all applicants and grantees regardless of country of implementation.

Finance guidance

  • Principles of reporting (PDF, 266 KB)
    Basic guidelines for financial reporting covering Gavi CSO funding. This guidance applies to all applicants and grantees regardless of country of implementation.
  • Budget classification and management (PDF, 357 KB)
    This document presents financial guidelines for Gavi CSO funding. It covers the classification system of Gavi budgets, and the methodologies used in calculating the expenditure of grants. This guidance applies to all applicants and grantees regardless of country of implementation.
  • Exchange rates (PDF, 280 KB)
    This document presents operational guidelines on the treatment of foreign currency denominated transactions and appropriate methodologies for the budgeting, recording, and management of exchange rate fluctuations. The guidance applies to Gavi CSO funding applications. This guidance applies to all applicants and grantees regardless of country of implementation.


For potential applicants of a specific country call for proposals, an applicant webinar will run. During the session, a clear presentation of the process and eligibility will be given, alongside top tips. Notes will be shared from the session subsequently, alongside an FAQs document. Project, Programme and Financial Managers should consider attending these – both project design and finances will be covered in the session.

Documents to upload online

Both programmatic and financial documents will need to be uploaded to Grantelope, the online grant management system, as part of all applications. These include:

  1. A proposed Project Workbook, which should include a
    1. Results framework
    2. Workplan
    3. Risk register
    4. Learning plan and
    5. Budget
  2. Organisational registration documents
  3. Recently audited accounts.

We recommend all applicants download Gavi CSO funding guidance documents listed above, before starting to complete an application. Templates that have been specifically provided should be completed and uploaded as part of your application. Any documents submitted as part of an application that have not been completed in the templates provided will be deemed ineligible.

Following submission of an application

Once the call for proposals has closed and applications have been submitted, all eligible applications will go through a thorough evaluation process. The process will be guided by the Evaluation Criteria outlined in the call for proposals guidance and agreed with Gavi and key stakeholders on a country basis.

The Criteria is likely to focus on the following key themes:

  • Programme approach and design
  • Proposed results framework and MEL approach
  • Gender equality and social inclusion
  • Risk management (including safeguarding)
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Team structure
  • Capacity to deliver

In addition, the budget and organisational audited accounts will be reviewed to ensure financial eligibility.

Final application outcome letters will be sent out to all applicants with news of whether they have been successful or not. Letters will include generic feedback from the application review process. Timings of the application review process will be shared in the call for proposals.

Contact us

If an applicant has concerns or questions relating to their proposal, they should submit a query to the support enquiry mailbox:

Alternatively, raise a query directly on Grantelope, the online grants management system, where all applications will be completed and submitted.


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