About the Gavi CSO funding mechanism

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance is a public-private partnership that helps vaccinate more than half the world's children against some of the world’s deadliest diseases. To help increase immunisation coverage in lower-income countries, Gavi is launching a series of opportunities for civil society organisations (CSOs) to apply for funding directly from Gavi. These include country-specific calls for proposals, alongside single-source funding driven by countries and approved by governments. This approach reflects a wider commitment from governments to endorse the role of CSOs in extending immunisation services to reach all communities.

There are three clear aims of the CSO funding mechanism.

  1. to increase immunisation coverage and reduce the number of zero-dose and under-immunised children;
  2. to support the roll-out of HPV vaccines to increase coverage; and
  3. to support the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines as an integral part of routine immunisation to increase both COVID-19 and routine immunisation coverage.

This funding mechanism will support Gavi to engage and work with a diverse range of CSOs and reach even more communities in Gavi eligible countries.

How will this work?

Gavi is supported by MannionDaniels, a global health and social development consultancy, which is working with Oxford Policy Management (OPM) in a consortium, to design calls for proposals receive applications, and manage grants to national and local CSOs to implement vaccination projects focused on increasing demand generation, community engagement, and service delivery. Their extensive experience as fund managers will ensure every step of the grant management process is considered: from application, due diligence, pre-award review, contracting and initial disbursement, to project delivery and learning, monitoring and reporting. Successful grantees will be supported every step of the way.

Opportunities for funding are tailored to country requirements

No one solution is appropriate for every Gavi-eligible country; therefore, opportunities for funding are unique and distinct. The CSO funding mechanism is tailored to the individual country’s requirements, so applicants for each opportunity should read the criteria carefully. All decisions relating to grant opportunities are made in close consultation with the Ministries of Health and stakeholders within the relevant Gavi-supported country.

All open call for proposals can be found on the Funding opportunities page. Application guidance is available and tailored to each specific country opportunity. Please note that all applications should be completed on Grantelope, our online grant management system.

Contact us

If an applicant has concerns or questions relating to their proposal, they should submit a query to the support enquiry mailbox: gavi-cso@manniondaniels.com

Alternatively, raise a query directly on Grantelope, the online grants management system, where all applications will be completed and submitted.


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Last updated: 27 Jan 2025

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