08 Alliance Partnership Strategy with India 2016 2021 document pdf
Board -2015 -Mtg -3-Doc 08
Report to the Board
2-3 December 201 5
Section A: Overview
Executive Summary
1.1 At its December 2014 meeting , the Board requested the Secretariat to
develop a comprehensive strategy for Alliance engagement with India ,
given the country ?s forthcoming transition out of Gavi support . This report
presents the strategy guided by principles endorsed by the Programme and
Policy Committee (PPC) (Annex B), and recommendations by the PPC at
its October 2015 meeting , for decisions by the Board.
1.2 With almost 27 million children born each year, India is the most populous
Gavi -eligible country. Although India still accounts for one -fifth of child
deaths worldwide and more than a quarter of all under -immunised children
in Gavi -eligible countries, it has made tremendous prog ress in reducing
child mortality and has more than halved child deaths since 1990 . India was
certified polio -free in 2014, and maternal and neonatal tetanus was
eliminated in 2015.
1.3 India remains eligible for Gavi support based on its GNI level. Yet, given the
large birth cohort of the country, Gavi has limited its support to catalytic
funding to India. Until 2011, there was a cap placed on Gavi support to India ,
which was removed wit h the condition that the Board continues to review
any new support case by case . Because of this approach, Gavi
commitments to India have been considerably lower , in proportion to the
country?s size, compared to Gavi support for other eligible countries . This is
notable as compared to other large countries like Pakistan and Nigeria,
which ha ve similar or higher levels of g ross national income . India is much
lower in terms of absolute level of overall investments by Gavi, despite its
much larger birth cohort . In terms of Gavi investment per child , India ranks
as 72 nd out of the Gavi 73 countries given commitments to date .
2016 -2021
Report of: Hind Khatib -Othman, Managing Director, Country Programmes
Authored by: Carol Szeto, Melissa Malhame, Dirk Gehl, Ranjana Kumar
Agenda item: 08
Category: For Decision
Strategic goal: Affects all strategic goals