The Investment Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities in respect to managing of Gavi’s investments in a manner consistent with Gavi’s operating needs and overall programme goals; asset preservation and growth within Gavi’s investment portfolio; prudent maximisation of risk-adjusted returns on investment consistent with objectives stated in the Investment Policy.

  • Investment Committee Charter


Investment Committee membership

RepresentationCommittee memberPositionTerm Ending
Independent individualYibing Wu (Chair)Board member31 October 2025
Independent individualNaguib KherajBoard member31 July 2024
Independent individualTeresa ResselBoard member31 December 2024
Independent individualKaren SørensenBoard member31 December 2024
Governments – Implementing (Ghana)Kwaku Agyeman-ManuBoard alternate31 December 2025
Governments – Implementing (Somalia)Mohamed JamaBoard member31 December 2025
Vaccine industry – DevelopingSai PrasadBoard member31 December 2025
Last updated: 5 Jun 2024

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