Watch the live webcast at 3:00PM EST on 24 September:

New York, 23 September 2013 - The Republic of Ghana, in collaboration with GAVI and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, will host a side event on Tuesday at the 2013 United Nations General Assembly entitled “21st century development: Harnessing the power of global public-private partnerships in the Post 2015 agenda.”

Complementing the work of multilateral and bilateral approaches, global public-private partnerships are not only raising and spending money to benefit those most in need of urgent life-changing interventions, they are helping governments to strengthen national systems and policies, improving sustainability. 

The post-2015 agenda provides us with the opportunity to introduce new ways of delivering smart development by harnessing the lessons learned from global public-private partnerships such the GAVI Alliance and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. 

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