New auditor brings 30 years of experience to key role

S Lamb

Simon Lamb, GAVI's new Managing Director of Internal Audit.
Copyright 2013/GAVI Alliance

Geneva, 30 January 2013 – The GAVI Alliance has appointed Simon Lamb as Managing Director of Internal Audit. He succeeds Cees Klumper who has joined the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Simon will be based at the GAVI Secretariat in Geneva and will have independent oversight of GAVI’s programmes and processes. He will report directly to the GAVI Alliance Board and to the CEO, Dr Seth Berkley.

Transparency and accountability

“Ensuring transparency and accountability is absolutely critical to our mission to vaccinate children in the world’s poorest countries”, said Dr Berkley. “I am delighted that Simon is now part of the GAVI Alliance and I look forward to drawing on his expertise and experience as we work in many challenging countries towards our goal of vaccinating an additional four million children by 2015.”

Simon brings more than 30 years’ experience in finance, audit and consultancy, including a number of management positions in Goldman Sachs’ audit department and, more recently, as Head of Audit for Blackrock in New York.

After spending the first decade of his career in London’s financial sector, Simon spent two years leading a consulting team in Nairobi, Kenya, which worked on projects in the public and private sectors alongside NGOs, parastatal organisations and donors.

Simon qualified as a UK Chartered Accountant with one of the 'Big Four' accounting firms specialising in financial audit. He has a degree in economics from the University of Liverpool and a diploma in business studies from Manchester Business School.

Hold a mirror up to GAVI

“Good processes and controls are the cornerstone of any effective organisation; GAVI’s stakeholders demand the highest standards and Internal Audit helps deliver them. My aim is to hold a mirror up to GAVI to help it strengthen its processes and build on the successes of the past decade,” said Simon Lamb.

Dr Berkley also paid tribute to outgoing internal auditor Cees Klumper, who has joined the Global Fund after three years’ at GAVI, including undertaking a dual role between GAVI and the Global Fund while the recruitment process for his successor at GAVI was ongoing.

“Cees proved time and again why an excellent internal auditor is vital to an organisation like GAVI,” said Dr Berkley. “His hard work and determination has left a lasting impact on the Alliance and while we are sorry to see him leave, we are happy he will use his skills at our sister organisation the GFATM and he goes with the best wishes of everyone connected with GAVI.”

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