Former director of ONE Campaign’s Paris office joins GAVI Alliance

Guillaume Grosso GAVI Head of European Markets, Resource Mobilisation

Guillaume Grosso, GAVI Head of European Markets, Resource Mobilisation

Geneva, 28 November 2013 - The GAVI Alliance today announced the appointment of French national Guillaume Grosso as Head of European Markets, Resource Mobilisation.

“Guillaume’s extensive experience in development and advocacy as well as the private and the public sectors will be extremely valuable for GAVI’s next funding cycle and next replenishment,” said Marie-Ange Saraka-Yao, the Alliance’s Director of Resource Mobilisation.

As part of his role Guillaume Grosso will coordinate the resource mobilisation team’s work in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, the European Commission, the Netherlands and other European countries.

Guillaume was most recently Director of the ONE Campaign's office in Paris and, along with his team, he played a key role working with European governments and NGO partners to help secure financing for global health including GAVI's previous replenishment round, as well as the Global Fund's current financing cycle.

Before joining ONE, Guillaume was Chief Operating Officer and Policy Advisor at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD’s) Development Centre. He coordinated donor relations and policy positions and was running the team in charge of fundraising, communication, partnerships, results measurement and general administration.

Between 2004 and 2008, Guillaume served at the African Development Bank. There, he played a key role in bringing the African Development Fund's 11th replenishment negotiation to a successful conclusion. He also undertook critical work on the Bank’s strategy, fragile states, the G8’s Infrastructure Consortium for Africa, and institutional reform.

Prior to 2004, he worked as a strategy consultant at the Boston Consulting Group in Europe and as a banker for the Société Générale in Russia.

Guillaume is a MSc Graduate from the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines of Paris and also holds an MBA from INSEAD.

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