Government reimburses all misused funds

Geneva, 19 October– The Malian Government has fully reimbursed GAVI the amount of US$ 563,000 that was misused during the period 2008-2010.

The funds were originally provided by GAVI to strengthen immunisation and health systems in Mali but were identified as misused during an investigation undertaken by GAVI and the Malian government last spring.

The government has agreed to implement new measures to improve the management and oversight of GAVI funds and to ensure that misuse does not occur again.

With this signed agreement and full repayment made, GAVI has lifted the suspension of all cash support to the country and unfrozen the amounts already held in bank accounts in Mali.

Following the conclusion of the investigation, the Malian Government had committed to repay the full amount as well as implement recommendations to address anomalies in the financial management of GAVI’s cash-based programmes. At the time, Mali arrested four individuals under suspicion for the misuse.

GAVI appreciated the full collaboration of Mali in resolving this issue and will carry out a new audit in the next 12 months to verify if the strengthening measures have been implemented. 

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