Polio strategy and choice of new vaccines to be finalised by November 2013

Geneva, 12 June 2013 – The GAVI Alliance Board has today asked for in-depth analysis to inform its decisions on the future of GAVI’s vaccines portfolio and requested the GAVI Secretariat to develop a long-term strategy on how GAVI will support the introduction of Inactivated Polio Vaccine in partner countries.

The decision to request further analysis on possible additions to the GAVI portfolio was taken based on initial assessments of the potential effect of vaccine interventions on a range of life-threatening diseases. The cost and user-friendliness of vaccines, as well as their potential to benefit vulnerable groups and to aid outbreak prevention were also considered.

The GAVI Alliance Board asked for further research to evaluate the potential impact vaccines could have in five disease areas under consideration for future Alliance support: cholera, influenza (for pregnant women), malaria, rabies and further support for yellow fever.

Final decisions on future vaccine support are expected to be taken at the November 2013 GAVI Board meeting. GAVI’s support for vaccines already in its portfolio remains unchanged.

Separately, the Board agreed that the GAVI Alliance should play a lead role in the introduction of Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) into routine immunisation services in countries where GAVI currently works, as recommended by the World Health Organization and as part of the Polio Eradication Endgame Strategic Plan.

The Board recognised the importance of strong partnership and complementarity between the GAVI Alliance and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and requested the GAVI Secretariat to present a long-term strategy in support of the Alliance’s specific role and activities in relation to IPV to the Board by November 2013.

The GAVI Board called on donors to clarify urgently the use of the Polio Eradication Endgame funds to ensure that the cost to GAVI of implementing IPV in GAVI-eligible and graduating countries is fully funded without negatively impacting GAVI’s current strategic objectives.

The Board also approved a streamlining of GAVI’s application and review mechanism.

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