Board papers

00a Document list pdf

Board -2020 -Mtg -2-Doc 00a

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
11 Ma y 2020

14.30 -16.30 Gen eva time
Quor um: 14

Document list

No. Document
00a Document list
00b Agenda
01a Declarations of interest
01b Minutes from 19 March 2020
02 Updat e on Replenishment (To fol low)
03 IFF Im COVID Arrangement Proposal
04 COVID -19 : Gavi ?s Immediate and Interim Response
05 Review of decisions (No paper)
06 Closing remarks (No paper)

00b Final Agenda pdf

Board -2020 -Mtg -2-Doc 00b

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
11 May 2020
Telecon ference

14.30 -16.30 Geneva time
Quorum: 14


Item Sub ject Action Schedule

1 Chair?s report
? Declarations of interest
? Minutes from 19 March 2 020
Ngozi Okonjo -Iweala, Board Chair
IN FORMATION 14.30 -14.40
2 Update on Replenishment
Seth Berkley, Chief Executive Officer
Marie -Ange Saraka -Yao, Managing Director, R esource
Mobili sation, P riva te Sector Partnerships and Innovative
GUIDANCE 14.40 -15.10
3 IFFIm COVID Arrangement Proposal
Marie -Ange Sar aka -Yao, M anaging Director, R esource
Mobili sation, P riva te Sector Partnerships and Innovative
DECISION 15.10 -15.25
4 COVID -19 : Gavi ?s Immediate and Interim Response
Seth Berkley, Chief Executive Officer
DECISION 15. 25 -16 .25
5 Review o f de cis io ns
Philip Arm strong, Director, Governance
16 .25 -16 .30
6 Clos ing remarks
Ngozi Okonjo -Iweala, Board Chair
16 .30

Next meetings : 24-25 June 2020, Virtual Me eting , 14 .00 -18.00 Geneva
14 -16 December 2020, Geneva (includes Closed S ession)

Phi lip Armstrong , Dir ector, G overnance and Secretary to the Board, +41 22 9 09 6504, parmstrong
Joanne Goetz , Head, Governance, +41 22 909 6544,

Please note th at the Board meeting will be record ed. This recording will be used as a n aid to minute the
meeting . A transcr iption of the full proceedings wi ll not normally be made. Should a transcription be made it
will be u sed only as an aid to minute the meeting .

01b Minutes from 19 March 2020 pdf

Board -2020 -Mtg -01 1

With Board f or no -objection consent by 11 May 2020

Gavi Alliance Board Meeting
19 March 2020

1. Chair?s Report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 13. 30 Geneva
time on 19 March 2020 . Dr Ngozi Okonjo -Iweala, Board Chair, chaired the

1.2 The Chair commenced the meeting by taking a moment to reflect on the life and
work of Dr Peter Sala ma , WHO, who had recently passed away . She confirmed to
Board members that she had communicated, also on the Board?s behalf, sincere
condolences to his wife and family and WHO . She indicated that a number of
senior Gavi Secretariat staff had represented Gavi a t the memorial service held in
Geneva for Dr Salama. She informed participants that when the Board has the
opportunity to meet next in person, time will be taken to properly remember Dr
Salama and his li fe?s work dedicated to global health and humanitarian
endeavours and his many extraordinary achievements.

1.3 The Chair welcomed new Board members and Alternate Board members.

1.4 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Board (Doc 01a in the Board
pack). The Chair asked that Board members who had not yet completed their
annual declaration and submitted it to the Governance team do so as soon as

1.5 The Chair refe rred to the consent agenda (Doc 01 b) where a recommendation
from the Governance Committee was being presented to the Board for
consideration. The decisions would be presented at the end of the meeting during
the Review of Decisions.

1.6 It was agreed to dispense with a review of the Board workplan for this meeting.

Decision 1

The Gavi Alliance Board:

a) Appoin ted the following Board Members:
? Zsuzsanna Jakab as Board Member representing WHO in the seat formerly held
by Peter Salama, effective immediately and until her successor is appointed.

03 IFFIm COVID Arrangement Proposal pdf


Board -2020 -Mtg -2-Doc 03
Classified as Internal

Section A: Executive Summary
? At its meeting of 19 March 2020, the Gavi Alliance Board, in response to
the COVID -19 pandemic, encouraged the Alliance to be bold in supporting
countries to respond to the pandemic, protect routine immunisation
programmes and help accelerate the availability of COVID -19 vaccines in
the p oorest countries. The Board expressed support for the potential use of
the International Financ e Facility for Immunisation ( IFFIm ) in relation to
pandemic response while ensuring that any such use does not undermine
Gavi?s core business. The Audit and Fina nce Committee (AFC) is
scheduled to meet on 6 May 2020 to provide guidance on assessing any
financial implications and risks related to this potential use of IFFIm.
? In this context and following a request from the Kingdom of Norway to the
Gavi CEO on 6 April 2020, the Secretariat has explored Norway?s proposal
for Gavi to facilitate the urgent funding of the Coalition for Epidemic
Preparedness Innovations (?CEPI?) COVID -19 vaccine devel opment
efforts, subject to funds being made available by Norway via IFFIm.
Key areas this paper addresses
? What are the criteria for assessing the financial implications and risks to
Gavi of using IFFIm to frontload funds to help fast -track affordable
COVID -19 vaccines?
? How would such a transaction be executed?
? How does the proposal from Norway meet the criteria outlined in this paper ?
? What will be Gavi?s oversight and monitoring of CEPI?s activities?
? The Secretariat has prepared an Assessment Framework outlined in
Section B.2 to evaluate donors? requests and proposed transactions to
ensure that they do not have any material adverse impact on Gavi?s
finances or operations. Any transaction that meets all the criteria of the
Assessment Framework is deemed an Eligible Transaction.
? Th e Gavi Alliance Board is asked to (a) approve the Assessment
Framework as adequate for the Secretariat to respond to donors? request s
and execute as appropriate any Eligible Transaction and (b) approve
Agenda item: 03
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
11 May 20 20

04 COVID 19 Gavi s immediate and interim response pdf


Board -2020 -Mtg -2-Doc 04
Classified as Internal

Section A: Introduction
? COVID -19 is an unprecedented health, social and economic crisis in a
highly interconnected, interdependent world. Immunisation services in
Gavi -supported countries, particularly new vaccine introductions and mass
preventive campaigns , have been hit by the pandemic. This means millions
of children are at risk of missing vaccinations necessitating catch -up
strategies and outbreak response. Countries will also require increased
financial and technical support to restore immunisation deliv ery sooner
rather than later. Ultimately, only a safe and effective vaccine will allow the
world to halt transmission and prevent the resurgence of COVID -19 .
? As the pandemic unfolds, Gavi has taken swift action to enable Gavi -
supported countries to reprogram me existing support as they prepare
to respond to the pandemic . In parallel, Alliance efforts are underway to
help countries maintain immunisation services among other essential health
services and contain the knock -on effect of the COVID -19 crisis. Gavi is
also a major actor in the global community?s collaborative efforts to
accelerat e the development and equitable access to COVID -19 vaccines.
? The global economy is expected to suffer the worst recession at least
since the Great Depression. Given the IMF (International Monetary Fund)
outlook , Gavi -supported countries are likely to suffer severe declines in their
gross national incomes ( GNI s). This would impact their transition status and
shrink their fiscal space , limiting capacity to co -finance/self -finance vaccines
and step up domestic investments in primary health care (PHC) including
immunisation. Inability of countries to co -finance or self -finance vaccine s
would increase the risk of stock -outs and inability to vaccinate children .
? This paper provides an update on Gavi?s current response and
evolving priorities in relation to COVID -19 over the next 18 months,
and addresses the implications for Gavi 5.0 and Secretariat operations .
Against the backdrop described above , the paper requests the Board to
approve flexibilities related to eligibility, transition and co -financing for 2020
and 2021 . The Board is also request ed to grant the Gavi CEO authority to
adjust and/or exceed the aggregate overall Gavi forecasted budgetary
amounts for these two years by up to 20% to help countries mitigate the
impact of the COVID -19 pandemic on immunisation services . These
flexibilities can be accommodated within the current replenishment ask. The
paper also provides an update on Gavi?s role in ensuring accelerated and
Agenda item: 04
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
11 May 2020

05 Review of decisions No paper pdf


Board -2020 -Mtg -2-Doc 05
Report to the Board
11 Ma y 20 20

Agenda item: 05
No paper

06 Closing remarks No paper pdf


Board -2020 -Mtg -2-Doc 06
Report to the Board
11 Ma y 20 20

Agenda item: 06
No paper
Last updated: 6 Jul 2020

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