Yellow fever vaccination campaign to prevent outbreaks in Ghana

The Ghanaian Ministry of Health and the Ghana Health Service, with support from UNICEF, WHO, Gavi and partners, undertook a preventive mass yellow fever vaccination campaign from 12–18 November.

  • 30 November 2020
  • 2 min read
  • by Elinore Court
Yellow fever vaccination campaign to prevent outbreaks in Ghana
Yellow fever vaccination campaign to prevent outbreaks in Ghana


The campaign focused on people aged between 10 and 60 and covered 139 districts at the highest risk of a yellow fever outbreak, as well as 2 districts with low vaccination rates. Within seven days, the majority of those eligible had been vaccinated, ensuring high population immunity for the people of Ghana.

The vaccination sessions took place in health centres and temporary posts in markets, bus stations, churches and Municipal and District Assemblies. Traditional leaders, community leaders, youth leaders and women’s groups in the selected districts raised awareness and ensured a high turnout rate to keep their districts protected from yellow fever.

Routine childhood immunisation and preventive mass vaccination campaigns protect populations at risk of yellow fever and lessen the need for an emergency response.

An acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by mosquitoes, yellow fever causes devastating epidemics in areas where infected mosquitoes can come into contact with people who are not vaccinated. Death rates can be as high as 50% among those severely affected.

The disease can be prevented by a safe, affordable and highly effective vaccine. One injection protects an individual for at least 35 years, and possibly for life.