‘Halfway there’ and ‘Donor Immunization Record’ underline civil society role in holding GAVI accountable for its performance since 2011 replenishment in London

MTR feature Save and Action reports 1

Save the Children’s report ‘Halfway there: delivering on the promise of immunisation’ tracks GAVI’s performance since 2011.
Credit: GAVI 2013

Stockholm, 29 October 2013 - On the eve of GAVI’s Mid-Term Review (MTR) on Tuesday, Save the Children (SOS) and ACTION both launched reports assessing GAVI’s progress at the halfway point of its five-year strategy.

“One of civil society’s roles is to be a watchdog and raise our voices where we think that things can be improved and I hope that both reports contribute to that process,” said Simon Wright, head of child survival at Save the Children.

Successful story to tell

 ‘Halfway there: delivering on the promise of immunisation’, which can be downloaded on Save the Children website recognises that the Alliance has “a very successful story to tell about accelerating access to pentavalent, pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines” but called for GAVI to step up efforts in two targets.

“We call for more attention on driving down vaccine prices and the cash-based programmes which provide funding to Governments to improve (health system) delivery platforms,” said Wright, “that’s an area where we think GAVI has struggled a bit.”

Mock-up immunisation card

ACTION – a global health advocacy partnership - used a mock-up immunisation card to track the performance of some 17 donors which together account for more than 80 percent of GAVI funding.

“Many donors are on track to fulfill their commitments, “ said Patrick Bertrand, Executive Director of Global Health Advocates, part of ACTION, “but several must commit to extend their pledges through to 2015.”

Holding GAVI accountable

GAVI CEO Seth Berkley welcomed the reports for holding GAVI, its donors and other partners accountable. “These reports are excellent examples of what civil society can do as thoughtful but independent interlocutors,” said Berkley.

Over 150 GAVI partners are gathering in Stockholm for a two-day meeting co-hosted by Sweden and Ghana, represented by Hillevi Engström, Minister for International Development Cooperation and His Excellency Dramani Mahama, President of Ghana, respectively.

Together, the Alliance will take stock of its progress in reaching goals midway through its five-year strategy (2011-2015), as agreed at the replenishment meeting London in June 2011 where GAVI raised additional funding to enable it to commit a total of US$ 7.4 billion towards its mission.

‘Halfway there’ and ‘Donor Immunization Record’ underline civil society role in holding GAVI accountable for its performance since 2011 replenishment in London

MTR feature Save and Action reports 1

Save the Children’s report ‘Halfway there: delivering on the promise of immunisation’ tracks GAVI’s performance since 2011.
Credit: GAVI 2013

Stockholm, 29 October 2013 - On the eve of GAVI’s Mid-Term Review (MTR) on Tuesday, Save the Children (SOS) and ACTION both launched reports assessing GAVI’s progress at the halfway point of its five-year strategy.

“One of civil society’s roles is to be a watchdog and raise our voices where we think that things can be improved and I hope that both reports contribute to that process,” said Simon Wright, head of child survival at Save the Children.

Successful story to tell

 ‘Halfway there: delivering on the promise of immunisation’, which can be downloaded on Save the Children website recognises that the Alliance has “a very successful story to tell about accelerating access to pentavalent, pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccines” but called for GAVI to step up efforts in two targets.

“We call for more attention on driving down vaccine prices and the cash-based programmes which provide funding to Governments to improve (health system) delivery platforms,” said Wright, “that’s an area where we think GAVI has struggled a bit.”

Mock-up immunisation card

ACTION – a global health advocacy partnership - used a mock-up immunisation card to track the performance of some 17 donors which together account for more than 80 percent of GAVI funding.

“Many donors are on track to fulfill their commitments, “ said Patrick Bertrand, Executive Director of Global Health Advocates, part of ACTION, “but several must commit to extend their pledges through to 2015.”

Holding GAVI accountable

GAVI CEO Seth Berkley welcomed the reports for holding GAVI, its donors and other partners accountable. “These reports are excellent examples of what civil society can do as thoughtful but independent interlocutors,” said Berkley.

Over 150 GAVI partners are gathering in Stockholm for a two-day meeting co-hosted by Sweden and Ghana, represented by Hillevi Engström, Minister for International Development Cooperation and His Excellency Dramani Mahama, President of Ghana, respectively.

Together, the Alliance will take stock of its progress in reaching goals midway through its five-year strategy (2011-2015), as agreed at the replenishment meeting London in June 2011 where GAVI raised additional funding to enable it to commit a total of US$ 7.4 billion towards its mission.

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