Many decades ago, when it formed the centre of the international spice trade, Zanzibar’s traders were quick to recognise a solid return on investment. Centuries later, their descendants are united in their recognition of the value of vaccines: from mothers and fathers to nurses and officials.



Mohamed Khamis, father of two-month-old Niki  


Stone City, west district 


Mohamed regularly brings his two-month-old son Niki to the KMKM Maternal and Child Health Clinic, just outside Zanzibar’s capital Stone Town. “I know the importance of vaccination,” says Mohamed Khamis. “All of my children have been immunised.”

Thanks to the health ministry’s awareness campaigns, fathers like Mohamed are all too aware of the need to vaccinate their children.  From regional radio and television channels down to local community leaders, the health ministry mobilises fathers and mothers to attend immunization clinics. Each year, the health ministry ranks the success rates of different districts of Zanzibar in reaching children with life-saving vaccines – an encouragement to strive for ever better performance.

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