An Vermeersch

Vice President, Head of GSK Vaccines Global Health, Belgium

An Vermeersch is the Vice President, Head of GSK Vaccines Global Health. She is leading the Vaccines Global Health team, covering global health R&D, Public Affairs and Gavi/UNICEF procurement. Prior to this, she was head of Vaccines Global Governmental Affairs and Global Health Public Affairs. As part of these roles, she has been working with the Gavi Secretariat and participated in the Gavi Board meetings since June 2016.

She also represented IFPMA on the Gavi Programme and Policy Committee in 2018 and 2019.

Ms Vermeersch has more than 20 years’ experience in healthcare, particularly in vaccines, working in many different areas of the vaccine business at GSK and as management consultant with McKinsey & Company. She qualified as an Engineer in microbiology and biochemistry, has a Master’s in Business Administration and Health Economics training.

Last updated: 12 Sep 2022

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