How market shaping works
The goal of our market shaping work is to help ensure vaccine markets work better for lower-income countries. We want the maximum number of people to receive the life-saving and health-protecting benefits of immunisation.
- 28 September 2020
- 2 min read
- by Gavi Staff

Gavi’s market shaping work aims to:
- ensure adequate and secure supply of quality vaccines
- evolve prices of vaccines and other immunisation products to appropriate, sustainable levels
- save money for countries – our approach to market shaping is forecast to deliver savings of US$ 1.3 billion during the 2016–2020 strategic period
- incentivise development of suitable, quality vaccines and other immunisation products
- maximise the number of healthy vaccine markets
We support manufacturers to ensure timely, predictable availability of suitable, quality products.
We work with countries to accurately forecast their demand.
We incentivise innovative vaccine products and improved cold chain equipment to meet the evolving needs of countries.
We help shape markets to sustainably supply Gavi-supported programmes so that donor investments go further, and we maximise our impact.
Supporting healthy vaccine markets is an essential part of Gavi’s strategy
The goal of our market shaping work is to help ensure vaccine markets work better for lower-income countries. We want the maximum number of people to receive the life-saving and health-protecting benefits of immunisation.
As a growing number of countries transition from Gavi support, our work also ensures that improvements in market conditions are sustainable in the longer term – for countries (regardless of their income level) and for manufacturers.
Read more about how Gavi has accelerated equitable uptake and coverage of vaccines in Gavi’s 2019 Annual Progress Report.