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02a Annex A Implications Anticipated Impact pdf


Report to the Board

Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 02a -Annex A
Annex A: Implications/Anticipated impact

1. Impact on countries

1.1 Approval of the Financial Forecast will enable funding to be allotted to
programmes throughout 2021, in accordance with the Programme Funding

2. Risk implication and mitigation, including information on the risks of

2.1 Determination of Gavi?s financial capacity to approve the recommended
decisions relies on the current Financial Forecast. Risks that may impact the
reliability of financial forecast are described below, as well as the mitigation
strategies in place to address these risks.

2.2 One of those risks arises from exposure to foreign currency exchange rate
fluctuations. In the forecast, non -USD pledges are valued at their USD
equivalents using the Bloomberg spot exchange rates when compiling the
forecast (consistent with the approach agreed with donors at the London
Replenishment Meeting) or, where hedged, at the hedge rate. Pledges are
hedged progressively, and pledges repres enting approximatel y 65% of
2021 -2025 Assured Resources are not yet hedged. 2021 pledges are hedged,
2022 pledges are hedged at approximately 80% and the 2023 -2025 pledges
are unhedged. We still need confirmation that the agreements are signed, we
also ne ed clarification on the amounts and an estimate of the payments

2.3 Gavi?s eight -month Cash and Investments Reserve provides a cushion for
adverse fluctuations in resources and expenditures. Gavi can also decline or
defer funding requests based on r esource availability.

3. Risks associated with the financial forecast and mitigations

Factors that may impact the expenditure forecast include:

3.1 Demand volumes can vary significantly based on small changes in country
introduction assumptions. While the introduction assumptions made in the
current forecasts leverage the information readily available, there remains an
inherent high degree of uncertainty on these assumptions. In addition, the
assumptions on introduction timing are oft en dependent on projections of when
a country will no longer be eligible for new Gavi support. This forecast
represents the application of the current Board approved Eligibility and
Transition Policy. Changes or exceptions to this policy could vary demand

3.2 Price forecasts reflect expected market dynamics specific to each vaccine. The
point forecast represents a moderate most likely scenario estimate among a
range of possible estimates and reflects information available at the time of
prepara tion.

02a Annex B Terminology used in the Financial Forecast pdf


Report to the Board

Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 02a -Annex B
Annex B: Terminology and rounding
Terms used in this paper have the meanings described below, and are relevant to
Gavi?s Board Approved Programme Funding Policy:
a) Assured Resources comprise:
? Cash and investments of Gavi, in the amount that exceeds the Cash and
Investments Reserve (see (g) below)
? Expected proceeds from IFFIm, based on existing donor pledges
? Expected AMC and any other contributions that are contingent on
programmatic expenditu re included in the expenditure forecast
? Confirmed direct contributions to GAVI Alliance that are pledged under
already -signed agreements or otherwise confirmed in writing.
? Projected investment income
b) Allowance for Further Direct Contributions (for the purpose of approving
funding decisions): An allowance for further expected direct contributions
from existing donors who have not confirmed their pledges for each year,
based on current overall contribution levels. The allowance is mandated by
the Pro gramme Funding Policy and is important towards enabling
programme funding decisions to be made while pledges have yet to be
completed for particular years. The allowance assumes that in years where
currently confirmed direct contributions total less than t he current level,
further contributions will bring the total to that level.
c) Qualifying Resources : The sum of Assured Resources and the Allowance for
Further Direct Contributions (i.e. (a) plus (b) above) .
d) Existing Programmes : Country programmes (for vaccine and cash -based
programmes and investment cases) that have already been approved for
support by Gavi, the Partners? Engagement Framework and the Secretariat
e) New Requests : Projected demand from country applica tions that are
currently being recommended by the Independent Review Committee for
f) Expected Future Requests: Projected demand from countries expected to
request Gavi support in the future for the currently approved portfolio of
vaccines and cash -based programmes. It does not include any additional
vaccines that Gavi may consider for support in the future.
g) Cash and Investments Reserve : The reserve required by the Programme
Funding Policy to be maintained at a minimum equalling eight months of
expected annual expenditures.

01g Annex A Implications and anticipated impact pdf

Report to the Board
Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 01g -Annex A
Annex A: Implications and Anticipated Impact

To help the Gavi Alliance Board assess the extent to which the 2021 -2025 strategy is
on track, the proposed strategy performance indicators have been developed to
provide annual information on the performance of the strategy. The indicators rely on
data that are available or can be made available without substantial financial costs or
burden on countries. Given these constraints and the limited number of indicators,
these performa nce indicators will not provide a full picture of strategy implementation
and performance. The Gavi 5.0 Learning System will seek to address this, by ensuring
coordinated development of strategy implementation indicators, evaluations, and
other assessments to supplement the strategy performance indicators. The proposed
Learning Hubs would also provide a unique opportunity for deeper monitoring and
learning in targeted areas, providing insights that are not feasible to generate at
portfolio level. These othe r sources of information are also important for monitoring
the unintended consequences of the Alliance focusing on a relatively small number of
strategy performance indicators.
Impact on countries
The indicators have an important impact on countries in the sense that they focus
Alliance -wide efforts on specific measurable outcomes or processes. However, as the
indicators are closely tied to the expected activities and strategy objectives of the
2021 -2025 Gavi Alliance strategy, this is appropriate.
The ind icators do not have a large impact in terms of imposing additional reporting
burden on countries. Most indicators can be tracked with existing globally available
data sources. A limited number of indicators will require new measurement and/or
reporting fro m countries, however most of these indicators have been developed for
the IA2030 M&E Framework as part of its core set of indicators deemed necessary for
countries to monitor to track their performance on the IA2030 strategic priorities. Two
proposed Gavi 5.0 strategy performance indicators not included in the IA2030 global
core indicator set will require measurement and reporting from countries: (1) number
of immunisation sessions and (2) reach of preventive measles campaigns. Tracking
planned and conducte d immunisation sessions is common across countries but the
inclusion of this indicator in the Gavi 5.0 measurement framework will require new
country reporting, most likely through the WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form.
Monitoring the reach of preventive mea sles campaigns requires post campaign
coverage surveys, which are already required for Gavi -supported supplemental
immunisation activities. More generally, the need to target resources subnationally to
improve equity in immunisation will require on -going e fforts to strengthen country data
Impact on Alliance
Several new indicators, including timeliness of outbreak detection and response,
number of immunisation sessions, stock availability at facility level, and
implementation of tailored plans to o vercome demand barriers will require guidance
and support to countries to ensure they can be measured and reported. Additionally,
ongoing support to countries is required to improve data quality of subnational

01g Annex B Gavi 5.0 Strategy one pager pdf

Report to the Board
Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 01g -Annex B

Annex B: Gavi 5.0 Strategy One -Pager

01g Annex C Gavi 5.0 strategy indicator dashboard pdf

Report to the Board
Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 01g -Annex C

Annex C: Gavi 5.0 Strategy Indicator Dashboard

01g Annex D Summary of Gavi 5.0 strategy indicator pdf

Report to the Board
Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 01g -Annex D

Annex D: Summary of Gavi 5.0 Strategy Indicator Definitions
Table of Contents
Table 1: Summary Descriptions and Use Cases for Mission Indicators ..................... 2
Table 2: Summary Descriptions and Use Cases for Strategy Goal 1 Indicators ........ 3
Table 3: Summary Descriptions and Use Cases for Strategy Goal 2 Indicators ........ 5
Table 4: Summary Descriptions and Use Cases for Strategy Goal 3 Indicators ........ 7
Table 5: Summary Descriptions and Use Case s for Strategy Goal 4 Indicators ........ 8

Report to the Board
Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 01g -Annex D

Table 1: Summary Descriptions and Use Cases for Mission Indicators
ID Indicator What would be
measured How it would be used
M.1 Under -5 mortality
Average probability of a
child born in any of the
Gavi -supported countries
dying before they reach
the age of five.
Communicate Gavi?s
contribution to child
mortality reduction and
alignment with
Development Goal 3.
M.2 Future deaths
averted 1
Number of anticipated
future deaths prevented
as a result of vaccination
with Gavi -funded vaccines
in the countries we
Estimate the impact of
Gavi -supported
vaccinations in terms of
averting future deaths
from vaccine -
preventable diseases.
M.3 Future DALYs
Number of disability -
adjusted life years
(DALYs) averted as a
result of vaccination with
Gavi -supported vaccines.
Demonstrate impact of
Gavi -supported vaccines
on morbidity, and
mortality .
Reduction in zero -
dose children
(Equity indicator)
Number of zero -dose
children relative to the
number at baseline.
A measure of equity
giving an indication of
the reach of routine
immunisation ser vices to
missed communities.
Unique children
immunised with
Gavi support
Number of children
immunised with the last
recommended dose of a
Gavi -supported vaccine
delivered through routine
Demonstrate reach of
Gavi supported vaccines
through routine
immunisation systems.
Economic benefits
generated through
Gavi -supported
Calculated as cost -of -
illness (COI) averted. COI
includes treatment and
transport costs, caretaker
wages and productivity
loss due to disability and
premature death.
Demonstrate impact of
Gavi -supported vaccines
beyond health benefits
to include the direct and
indirect economic
benefits of averting
illness, death and long -
term disability.
1 Indicators underlined are included in the 2020 -2025 Investment Opportunity and will be used, in part,
to report on progress towards meeting commitments made in 2021 -2025 Investment opportunity.

01d Minutes from 29 30 September 2020 To follow pdf


Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 01d
Report to the Board
15 -17 December 20 20

Agenda item: 01d
To follow

01e No objection consent decisions pdf


Board -2020 -Mtg -3-Doc 01e
Report to the Board
15 -17 December 2020
Classified as Internal

Since the June 2020 Board meeting, four decision s ha ve been circulated to the
Board electronically for approval by no -objection consent in line with Section 11 of
the Board and Committee Operating Procedures .

1) On 30 July 2020 , Board members were invited to consider approval of the
appointment of a Board member and Market -Sensitive Decisions
Committee member .

No objections were received prior to the end of 12 August 2020 and the
following decision was therefore entered into the record:

In accordance with Section 11.3 of the Board and Committee Operating
Procedures, on a no -objection basis, the Gavi Alliance Board:

a) Appointed Lia Tadesse of Ethiopia as Board Member representing the
implementing country constituency in the seat currently held by Amir Aman
Ha gos of Ethiopia, effective immediately and until 31 December 2020; and

b) Appointed Lia Tadesse (Board Member) to the Market -Sensitive
Decisions Committee, effective immediately and until 31 December 2020.

2) On 10 August 2020 Board members were invited to consider approval of the
2019 Gavi Alliance Annual Financial Report and the 2019 Gavi Alliance
Statut ory Financial Statements .

No objections were received prior to the end of 20 August 2020 and the
following decision was therefore entered into the record:

In accordance with Section 11.1 of the Board and Committee Operating
Procedures, on a no -objection basis, the Gavi Alliance Board:

Approved the 2019 Gavi Alliance Annual Financial Report and the 2019 Gavi
Alliance Statutory Financial Statements.?

Agenda item: 01e
Category: For information

01f Annex A Final Programme Funding Policy pdf

Gavi Alliance
Programme Funding Policy
Version 4.0

Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 01f -Annex A


1.0 Barry Greene, Managing Director,
Finance and Operations

Reviewed by: Gavi Programme and
Policy Committee 19 May 2010
Reviewed by: Gavi Audit and
Finance Committee 25 May 2010
Approv ed by: Gavi Alliance Board 17 June 20 10
Effective from: 17 June 20 10
2.0 Reviewed by: Gavi Audit and
Finance Committee 24 Ma rch 201 1
Approv ed by: Gavi Alliance Board 8 July 20 11
Effective from: 8 July 20 11
Section 3.5
and Annex 1
Reviewed by: Gavi Audit and
Finance Committee 11 April 201 2
Approv ed by: Gavi Alliance Board 13 June 20 12
Effective from: 13 June 20 12
Section 4
Annex 1
Reviewed by: Gavi Audit and
Finance Committee 11 April 201 2
Approv ed by: Gavi Alliance Board 13 June 20 12
Effective from: 13 June 20 12
Annex 1 Reviewed and recommended by:
Gavi Audit and Finance Committee 10 October 201 3
Approv ed by: Gavi Alliance Board 22 November 20 13
Effective from: 22 November 20 13
3.0 Reviewed and recommended by:
Gavi Audit and Finance Committee 6 November 2015
Approved by: Gavi Alliance Board 2 December 2015
Section 3.6
and Annex 1
Reviewed and recommended by:
Gavi Audit and Finance Committee 21 October 2016
Approved by: Gavi Alliance Board 7 December 2016
Effective from: 7 December 2016
Section 4.1
and Annex 1
Reviewed and recommended by:
Gavi Audit and Finance Committee 12 June 2017
Approved by: Gavi Alliance Board 14 June 2017
Effective from: 1 January 2018
Sectons 3, 5
and Annex 1
Reviewed and recommended by:
Gavi Audit and Finance Committee 21 October 2020
Approved by: Gavi Alliance Board 15 December 2020
Effective from: 1 January 2021

01f Annex B Changes to the Programme Funding Policy pdf

Report to the Board
Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 01f -Annex B
Annex B: Changes to the Programme Funding Policy (as submitted to the 21 October
2020 Audit and Finance Committee meeting )
A: Executive Summary
? As Gavi operationalises the Portfolio Management re -design as part of the Gavi
5.0 Strategy, amendments to the Programme Funding Policy are required. These
changes were introduced at the 23 July 2020 Audit and Finance Committee (AFC)
? This report outlines the changes to Portfolio management re -design and necessary
updates to the Programme Funding Policy needed to operationalise these and
requests the AFC to recommend that the Board approves these changes.
? To that end, as included in the Decision point section already, we ask that the AFC
recommend for Gavi Board Alliance approval:
o The inclusion of selected Partners? Engagement Framework (PEF)
components: Technical Country Assistance (TCA), Strategic Focus Areas
(SFA) and Foundational Support (SF) under the scope of the Programme
Funding Policy (PFP)
o The multi -year approval of support for programmes under the scope of the PFP
B: Overview of Gavi 5.0 portfolio management re -design
1. Update on Portfolio management re -design
1.1. As previously outlined in the July 2020 AFC paper, as part of the
operationalisation of Gavi 5.0, the Board has called upon the Secretariat to review
and improve Gavi?s portfolio management processes (i.e. the processes of
providing grants to countries) wi th the objective to make them more differentiated,
efficient, simpler and hence, a successful platform to deliver on the Gavi 5.0 goals
and objectives.
1.2. Through a highly consultative process, several key shifts have been identified
and shared with the Prog ramme and Policy Committee (October 2019, May
2020) as well as the Board (on the side -lines of December 2019 Board) with
general agreement in principle to the proposed shifts.
1.3. As described in the July 2020 AFC paper, these shifts include grounding Gavi?s
support to countries in a single strategic ?Theory of Change? and support
application across all streams of support. There will also be greater alignment
across portfolio planning, review and approval for Health System and
Immunisation Strengthening (HSIS) , vaccine support and TCA; moving to a
single integrated process with TCA brought in line with other programmatic
funding. Importantly, there will be continued reliance on an independent review
of applications by the Independent Review Committee (IRC) with more
differentiation of the modalities of review. The level of Secretariat engagement
would be more deliberately differentiated by countries? programmatic risk profile,
portfolio level impact on reaching zero -dose children and missed communities

01f Consent Agenda as at 2 December 2020 pdf


Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 01f
Report to the Board
15 -17 December 2020

Section A: Introduction
Seven recommendations are being presented to the Board under the Consent
Agenda for consideration. Detailed information on each of the items can be found
in the relevant Committee paper in a dedicated folder on BoardEffect at :
Section B: Actions requested of the Board
The Gavi Alliance Board is requested to consider the following recommendations
from the Gavi Alliance Governance Committee , Finance and Audit Committee and
Programme and Policy Committee .
Decision One ? Board and Board Committee member appointments
Governance Committee recommendation to be shared with the Board after
Governance Committee meeting of 10 December 2020.
Decision Two ? Independent Review Committee appointments
Governance Committee recommendation to be shared with the Board after
Governance Committee meeting of 10 December 2020 .
Decision Three ? Review of Annexes to Operating Procedures
Go vernance Committee recommendation to be shared with the Board after
Governance Committee meeting of 10 December 2020.
Decision Four ? COVAX Facilty Terms of Reference
Governance Committee recommendation to be shared with the Board after
Governance Committe e meeting of 10 December 2020.

Agenda item: 01 f
Category: For Decision

00a Document list pdf

Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 00a

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
15 -17 December 2020
Virtual Meeting

Tuesday 15 December : 13.30 -16.00 Geneva Time Closed Session
Tuesday 15 December : 16.15 -18.30 Geneva Time
Wednesday 16 December : 14.00 -18. 15 Geneva Time
Thursday 17 December : 14.00 -18. 30 Geneva Time
Quor um: 14

Document list ? UPDATED

No. Document
00a Document list
00b Agenda
01a Declarations of interest
01b Minutes from 24 -25 June 2020
01c Minutes from 30 July 2020
01d Minutes from 29 -30 September 2020 (To follow)
01 e No Objection Consen t D ecisions
01f Consent Agenda
01g Consent Agenda: Gavi 5.0: Measurement Framewor k
01h Workplan
02a Financial Update, including forecast
02b Partners ? Engagement Framework & Secretariat Bud get 2021 -2022
03 Committee Chair and IFFIm Bo ard reports
04 CEO?s Re port
05 a Strategy , Programmes and Partnerships and calibration of Gavi 5.0
05b Accelerating efforts to reach zero -dose children and missed communities in Gavi 5.0
06 Risk Managemen t Update
07 Gavi ?s approach to engagem ent with f ormer and never -eligible Middle -Income
Countries (MICs)
08 COVAX Facility operationalisation and vaccine programme
09 AMC Resource Mobilisat ion
10 COVAX AMC Support to India
11 Review of decisions ? No pape r
12 Clos ing remarks ? No paper

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