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00b Agenda pdf

Board -2020 -Mtg -6-Doc 00b

G avi Alliance Board Meeting
23 -24 June 2021
Virtual Meeting

Wednesday 23 June : 13.30 -18.30 Geneva Time
Thursday 24 June : 13.30 -18. 30 Geneva Time
Quorum: 14

Agend a

Nex t Board Me eting s: 28 September 2021, Virtual
1-2 Decem ber 202 1, Virtual

Brenda Killen , Director, Governance and Secretary t o the Board, +41 22 9 09 6680 , bkillen
Joanne Goetz , Head, Governa nce, + 41 22 9 09 6 544,
Please note that the Board mee ting will be recorded. This recording will be used as an aid to minute t he meeting .
A transcr iptio n of the full proceedings will not normally be made . Shou ld a tr ansc riptio n be made it wil l be used
only as an aid to minute the meeting .

Boar d-2021-Mtg-2-Doc 00b 2

Board M eeting - D AY ONE ? Wednesday 23 June 2021

Item Sub ject Action Schedule

Closed Session: For Board Members and Alternate Board
Members only
13.30 -14.30
1 Chair?s report
? Declarations of interest
? Minutes
? No Objection Cons ent Decisions
? Co nsent Agenda 1
? Wor kpla n
Jos ? Manuel Barroso , Board Chair
DECISION 14. 30 -14. 45
2 CEO? s Report
Seth Berkley, Chief Executive Officer
14. 45 -15. 45
Break 15. 45 -16.00
3 Strate gy, Programmes and Par tn erships : Pro gres s, Risks and
Anura dha Gupta, Depu ty C EO
Jacob van der Bli j, Head, Risk
DECIS ION 16.00 -17.00
4 Financ e
Dav id Sidwe ll, Chair, Audit and Finance Committee
Assie tou Diou f, Managing Director , Finance & Oper ations
The two separate papers listed below will be taken as one
discussi on:
4a Fi nancial Update, including forecast
4b COVAX AMC financial for ecast
DECI SION 17.00 -17.45
5 Comm ittee Chair and IFFIm Board reports
? Go vernance Committe e ? Sarah Gou lding
? Audit and Finance Committee ? David Sidwell
? Inve stmen t Committee ? Stephen Zinser
? Progr amme and Policy Committee ? Helen Re es
? Evalua tion Advisory Comm ittee ? Zulfiqar Bhutta 2
? IFFI m Comp any ? Kenneth G Lay
17.45 -18.30

1 Any Board m ember can ask that an y item be removed from the consent agenda for f urth er dis cussion. S hould
there be any such reques t, the relevant discussion will take place on Day Thr ee of the Board meetin g,
immedia tely precedin g th e R evie w of Decisi ons. 2 Acting as Interim Chair since March 2021

01a Board Declarations of Interest pdf

Bo ard -2021-Mt g-2-Doc 0 1a

Gavi Alliance Board Meeting
23-24 June 202 1
Virtual Meeting
Quorum: 1 4
Declarations of Interest

Section 5.5 of the Conflicts of Interest Policy for Governance Bodies states ?Members
involved in decisio n-makin g processes on b ehalf of Gavi must take appropriate action to
ensure disclosure of Interests and Conflicts of Inter est, and take the necessary action in
respect thereof.?
Section 6.2 of the Conflicts of Interest Policy for Governance Bodies further states , ?T he duty
to d isclo se [in 6.1 above] is a continuing obligation. This means that Members are obliged to
disclose any Interests and/or Conflict of Interest, whenever the Member comes to know the
relevant matter.?
The following declarations were made b y me mbers of the Boar d on their most recent annual
statements .
Board members:
Member Org anisational Interest s

Financial/Personal/Advisor Int /

Jos? Manuel Barroso , Chair


Goldman Sachs I nter national,
Chairman and Non -Executive
Director - Advisor; Princeton
University - Princeton School of
Public Policy, LISD, Non Residen t
Fellow; Catholic U nive rsity o f
Portugal, Visiting Professor ,
Director of the Centre for Euro pean
Studie s; Graduate Insti tute of
International and Development
Studies -Geneva, Visiting
Professor; The EUROPEAUM,
Board Member; WPL -Women
Political Leaders, A dvisory Board
Member ; Je an Monn et Foundation
for Europe, Honorary Committee
Member; Europe an C entre for
Culture, Honorary Co -President;
Portuguese Diaspora Council,
Chairman General Assembly;
Bilderberg Meetings, Steering
Committee Member; Concordia,
Leade rship Member Council ; Wo rld
Lea dership Alliance - Club de
Madrid, Member; Teatro Real
Madr id, Internation al Council
member; Royal Institute of
International Affairs (Chattam
House), Senior Advisor; Lindau

01b Minutes from 29 30 September 2020 pdf

Board -2020 -Mtg -05 1

Gavi Alliance Board Meeting
29 -30 September 2020
Virtual meeting

1. Chair?s Report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced in closed session
at 14. 00 Geneva time on 29 September 2020. Dr Ngozi Okonjo -Iweala, Board
Chair, chaired the meeting.

Closed Session

1.2 Sarah Goulding, Board Vice Chair and Chair of the Governance Committee, and
Bill Roedy, Chair of the Board Chair Recruitment Search Committee, provided a n
update to the Board on the process to recruit a successor to Dr Ngozi Okonjo -
Iweala who would come to the end of her second term as Board Chair on 31
December 2020.

1.3 Board members noted that both the Search Committee and the Governance
Committee had unanimously confirmed the recommendation being shared with
the Board at this meeting for consideration, namely to appoint Jos? Manuel
Barroso as Boar d Chair from 1 January 2021.

1.4 The recommendation was approved unanimously by the Board.

1.5 The closed session concluded at 14.38 Geneva time and the meeting commenced
immediately thereafter in open session.

Decision One

The Gavi Alliance Board that it:

a) ?Appoin ted Jos? Manuel Barroso as an Unaffiliated Board Member in the seat
currently held by Ngozi Okonjo -Iweala effective 1 January 2021 and until 31
December 2022; and

b) Appoin ted Jos? Manuel Barroso as Chair of the Board with individual signatory
authority effecti ve 1 January 2021 and until 31 December 2022.


1.6 The Chair welcomed the Board to this exceptional Board meeting, noting the
importance of the Board discussing the two topics on the agenda at this time,
namely recalibrating Gavi 5.0 in light of COVID -19 and the successful
replenishment, and the COVAX Facility operationalisation .

01c Minutes from 15 17 December 2020 pdf

Board -2020 -Mtg -06 1

Gavi Alliance Board Meeting
15 -17 December 2020
Virtual meeting

1. Chair?s Report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 17.15 Geneva
time on 15 December 2020. Dr Ngozi Okonjo -Iweala, Board Chair, chaired the

1.2 The Chair conveyed a special welcome to the Board Chair elect, Jos ? Manuel
Barroso, Cyrus Ardalan, Chair of the International Finance Facility for
Immunisation (IFFIm) Board and other directors of the IFFIm Board, and Nina
Schwalbe, Chair of the Evaluation Advisory Committee .

1.3 The Chair presented a short summary of the recent All Chairs Group (ACG)
meeting, during which the Group had discussed budget alignment, risks
as sociated with the COVAX Facility, overstretched staff and the organisation?s
ability to deliver on equity and access to vaccines.

1.4 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Board (Doc 01a in the Board

1.5 The Board noted its minutes from 24-25 June 2020 (Doc 01b) , 30 July 2020 (Doc
01c) which were approved by no objection on 3 November 2020 . The Board noted
decisions approved by no -objection consent on 12 August , 21 September and 26
November 2020 to appoint Board and Board Committees members, and on 20
August 2020 to approve the 2019 Gavi Alliance Annual Financial Report and the
2019 Gavi Alliance Statutory Financial Statements (Doc 01e) .

1.6 The Chair expressed appreciat ion for the Board comments on the agenda items
received in advance of the meeting through the discussion board on BoardEffect .

1.7 The Chair referred to the consent agenda (Doc 01f) where seven
recommendations were presented to the Board for consideration . No requests had
been received to place any of the consent agenda items on the main agenda. The
decisions would be presented at the end of the meeting during the Review of

1.8 The Chair further noted the Board workplan (Doc 01h) that guides the Board on
activities towards fulfilling its mandate and noted in particular that in view of the
current global context, the workplan is a living document and subject to change.

01d Minutes from 22 March 2021 pdf

Board -202 1-Mtg -01 1

Gavi Alliance Board Meeting
22 March 2021
Virtual meeting

1. Chair?s Report

1.1 Finding a quorum of members present, the meeting commenced at 14.00 Geneva
time on 22 March 2021 . Prof Jos? Manuel Barroso , Board Chair, chaired the

1.2 He welcome d new Board Members and Alternate Board Members .

1.3 On the occasion of his inaugural Board meeting, Prof Barroso provided some
insights from the eyes of a newcomer on the work that the Board, Committees and
the Secretariat h ave been doing under exceptional circumstances. He encouraged
Board members to go beyond the tradition al oversight role and embrace a
challenge and support role as well.

1.4 The Board Chair applauded the work and progress achieved to date on the
zero -dose /equity mission and building the COVAX Facility . He underlined the
importance of the Board and Secretariat adhering to principles of good
governance, including by remaining transparent in its actions, by being diligent in
planning and subsequent processes, and by candidly expressing its questions and
concer ns.

1.5 Prof Barroso shared that the Board , at its meeting in June 2021, will need to set
the strategic direction on the Alliance?s core mission and COVAX and noted in this
context that he has requested the Secretariat to schedule a session for the Board
in April 2021 to discussion potential scenarios for 2022 and beyond . Some of the
issues to consider might include: i) the progress on achieving the Gavi 5.0 goals
and specifically, the goal of equity; ii) the impact of the COVAX Facility on Gavi?s
mi ssion; iii) future prospects for the continued engagement with Self -Financing
Participants (SFPs) and appropriateness of the level of ambition for Advance
Market Commitment (A MC ) countries; and iv) ongoing geopolitical challenges and
emerging risks in vacc ine diplomacy globally.

1.6 Standing declarations of interest were tabled to the Board (Doc 01a in the Board

1.7 The Chair referred to the consent agenda (Doc 01 c) where one recommendation
was presented to the Board for consideration . No requests had been received to
place the consent agenda item on the main agenda. The decision would be
presented at the end of the meeting during the Review of Decisions.

01e No objection consent decisions pdf


Board -2021 -Mtg -2-Doc 01e
Report to the Board
23-24 June 2021

Since the March 2021 Board meeting, one decision has been circulated to the
Board electronically for approval by no -objection consent in line with Article
of the By -Laws.

On 17 May 2021 , Board members were invited to consider approval of the
appointment of an Alternate Board Membe r and Market -Sensitive Decisions
Committee Member .

No objections were received prior to the end of 28 May 2021 and the following
decision was therefore entered into the record:

In accordance with Section 11.3 of the Board and Board Committee Operating
Procedures, on a no -objection basis, the Gavi Alliance Board:

a) Appointed Jeremy Konyndyk as Alternate Board Member representing the
United States in the donor cluster anchored by the U nited States in the seat
currently held by Carmen Coles Tull of the United States, effective immediately
and until 31 December 2021.

b) Appointed Jeremy Konyndyk (Alternate Board Member) to the Market -
Sensitive Decisions Committee, effective immediately and until 31 December
Agenda item: 01e
Category: For information

01f Annex A Yellow Fever Diagnostics Update pdf

1 1

Re port to the Board

Board -2021 -Mtg -2-Doc 01f -Annex A
Annex A: Yellow fever diagnostics and laboratory capacity
At its November 2018 meeting, the Gavi Board approved an effort to strengthen
yellow fever laboratory capacity in Africa in order to facilitate the efficient and
effective use of yellow fever vaccine as part of the Eliminating Yellow Fever
Epidemics (EYE) Strategy, including an amount of up to US$ 8.2 million during
2019 -2021 for costs related to the procurement and distribution of laboratory
reagents, supplies, and equipment for yellow fever diagnostic capacity
strengthening through a diagnostic procuremen t mechanism based on Gavi?s
existing application, review and approval processes. The Gavi Board also noted
the expected use of Partners? Engagement Framework (PEF) funds, estimated at
approximately US$ 5.3 million during 2019 -2021, to support yellow fever diagnostic
capacity strengthening, including technical assistance, quality assurance/quality
control assessments, support for sample transportation, and coordination.

Specific outcomes expected by the end of 2021 were discussed during the October
2018 me eting of the Policy and Programme Committee of the Gavi Board and
during the November 2018 Gavi Board meeting. Progress has been made against
all of those goals , and many have already been met . Continuing Gavi involvement
with yellow fever diagnostics and laboratory capacity beyond 2021 will allow Gavi?s
planned US $ 488 million investment in yellow fever immuni sation during the
2021 - 2025 strategic period to be used more effectively, efficiently, and equitably.
Part I: Yellow fever laborato ry capacity progress to date
Goal : Introduction and distribution of at least one validated YF diagnostic assay by
end of 2021 (October 2018 PPC meeting)

Status : A yellow fever PCR test kit produced by the German manufacturer Altona
has been validated by EYE Laboratory Technical Working Group for use in th e
WHO yellow fever laboratory network . UNICEF Supply Division is in the final steps
of concluding the contractual agreement with Altona for distribution of this test kit
within the yellow fev er laboratory network . In addition, WHO has posted an
invitatio n for manufacturers to submit expressions of interest for participation in
evaluation of yellow feve r serology tests, and at least one manufacturer has
submitted an expression of interest . Gavi involvement with yellow fever diagnostics
has also helped trigger progress in the development of assays of a new class that
detect yellow fever NS1 protein as a marker for acute infection. Initial testing results
are encouraging, and if this type of test proves sufficiently accurate it would be a
much simpler and cheaper alternative to PCR testing. Gavi secretariat is working
with WHO an d other partners to arrange further evaluation of this new test type.

Twenty -one of 24 African countries at high risk for yellow fever outbreaks and
eligible for Gavi support have applied for and been approved for Gavi yellow fever
diagnostic procurement support. Despite disruptions to international shipping and
other logistical challenges from the COVID -19 pandemic , the UNICEF Supply
Division organi sed delivery of initial alloca tions of YF Dx reagent bundles and
ELISA instruments to all countries is expected to be fully completed by early May.

01f Annex B Proposed baselines and targets for Gavi 5.0 mission pdf

Report to the Board
Board -2021 -Mtg -2-Doc 01f -Annex B
Annex B: Summary of Baselines and Targets for Gavi 5.0 Mission and Strategy Indicators 1
Indicator Baseline (2019) 202 5 Target Rationale
Mission Indicators
M.1 Under -five mortality rate (SDG 3.2.1) 55/1,000 TBD
TBD - Target not yet defined due to uncertainty around how UN -IGME estimates of child
mortality will reflect COVID -related health impacts . It is anticipated that baseline and
targets for this indicator will be submitted to the PPC and Board in the Fall/Winter of 2021.
M.2 Future deaths averted n/a 7-8m Target made as part of the commitments in the Gavi 2021 -2025 Investment Opportunity
M.3 Future DALYs averted n/a 320 -380m Target closely aligned with future deaths averted targets, calculated using the same
methodology from the Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium (VIMC ).
M.4 Reduction in number of zero -dose
children 9.7 m -25%
Target based on the Alliance?s ambition to reduce zero dose by 25% by 2025 ?half the
level of ambition established by IA2030 of reducing number of zero -dose children globally
and for each country by 50% by 2030 as compared to 2019 .
M.5 Unique children immunised n/a 300m Target made as part of the commitments in the Gavi 2021 -2025 Investment Opportunity,
M.6 Economic benefits unlocked n/a US$ 80-100b Target made as part of the commitments in the Gavi 2021 -2025 Investment Opportunity .
1 Baselines are based on current immunisation coverage estimates and available data. For many indicators , baseline estimates may be revised as new data
become available (i.e., absolute values may change but the level of ambition will be retained) .

03 COVAX buffer for high risk groups in humanitarian situations pdf


Board -2021 -Mtg -1-Doc 0 3

Section A: Summary
In December 2020, the Gavi Board approved the concept of the COVAX Buffer
with its dual purpose to ensure acces s to COVID -19 vaccines for high -risk
populations in humanitarian settings (the ?Humanitarian Buffer?); and to provide a
contingency provision to enable an emergency release of doses to help m itigate
the most severe clusters of high mortality where normal v accine allocation
timelines may not be sufficient (the ?Contingency Provision?). The Board asked
the Secretariat to consult with the Programme & Policy Committee (PPC) to
further develop the details of the COVAX Buffer prior to approval of the high -level
parameters and funding needs. Given the widespread calls for urgency to
implement the Humanitarian Buffer, and the ev olution of thinking on the
Contingency Provision whereby it will only be relevant after end June 2021, the
Secretariat is now bringing forwa rd the Humanitarian Buffer for review and
approval by the Board.
Questions this paper addresses
What are the pr oposed target populations for the Humanitarian Buffer?
Which entities are proposed to be eligible to apply to the Humanitarian Buffer?
How is it proposed that the doses for the Humanitarian Buffer and associated
delivery costs be f unded?
What is the proposed decision -making process for allocating Humanitarian
Buffer doses?
In March 2021 the PPC recommended to the Gavi Board that , no tin g the scope
of the Humanitarian Buffer , it (i) approve reserving 5% of Gavi COVAX AMC
(?AMC?) funding for doses to be deployed via the COVAX Buffer ; approve an
amendment to expand where previously approved exceptional delivery funding
can be used and to as sign 5% of this delivery funding to the Humanitarian Buffer ;
(iii) approve the delegation of decision making on the allocation of Humanitarian
Buffer doses to the Inter -Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Emergency
Directors Group ; and (iii) approve that the Secretaria t report back to the PPC and
Board on the operation of the Humanitarian Buffer.
Agenda item: 03
Category: For Decision
Report to the Board
22 March 202 1

04 Gavi COVAX AMC To follow pdf

Board -2021 -Mtg -1-Doc 0 4 1
Report to the Board
22 March 20 21

Agenda item: 04
To follow

05 Review of decisions No paper pdf

Board -2021 -Mtg -1-Doc 0 5 1
Report to the Board
22 March 20 21

Agenda item: 05
No paper

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