Routine immunisation coverage

What we measure: Percentage of children reached with the third dose of pentavalent vaccine, which protects against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTP3), hepatitis B and Hib, and the first dose of measles vaccine in Gavi-supported countries. These two vaccines are included in the routine schedules of all Gavi-supported countries. Coverage estimates for both provide a reliable indicator of the proportion of children with access to basic immunisation services.


Breadth of protection

What we measure: Percentage of children reached with the last dose of vaccines recommended across all Gavi-supported countries and the last dose of three vaccines specific to certain regions.

KPI 1.2

Equity: geographic distribution

What we measure: Average percentage of districts across the countries we support in which coverage with a third dose of pentavalent vaccine is equal to or greater than 80%. As part of an increased effort to ensure accurate subnational data is available for measuring equity, WHO and UNICEF have started to report geographically disaggregated coverage data on an annual basis.

KPI 3.1

Equity: wealth distribution

What we measure: Average difference in coverage with a third dose of pentavalent vaccine between the poorest 20% of the population and the richest 20% across the Gavi-supported countries where recent data is available.

KPI 1.4

Equity: maternal education

What we measure: Average difference in coverage between children of non-educated mothers or other female caregivers, and those whose mothers have at least completed secondary school. We use three doses of pentavalent vaccine as the basis for this indicator, which includes all Gavi-supported countries where recent survey data is available.

KPI 1.5

Some figures from previous years have been updated due to revisions of historical data.

Our 2016-2020 strategy

The vaccine goal (Phase 4)

Accelerate equitable uptake and coverage of vaccines

Last updated: 4 Dec 2019

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