More than half of Gavi vaccine suppliers are based in emerging markets

As more manufacturers based in developing countries enter the market with prequalified vaccines, the increased choices they bring provides a more diversified supply base. It also increases competition in vaccine markets, often resulting in reduced prices.

In 2001, five manufacturers supplied vaccines to Gavi; just one of these was based in Africa. By 2017, nearly two thirds of our vaccine suppliers were based in Africa, Asia or Latin America.

The Vaccine Alliance has assigned a seat on its Board to a representative of the Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturing Network (DCVMN), a voluntary alliance of 44 companies from 16 developing countries.


DCVMN's goals are closely aligned to those of Gavi and include:

  • to provide a consistent and sustainable supply of quality vaccines at an affordable price to developing countries;
  • to strive for an international recognition such  that developing country vaccine manufacturers have an essential role in assuring the availability of quality vaccines for national immunisation programs; and
  • to encourage continuation of research and development efforts to meet the emerging vaccine needs in the developing world.

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Last updated: 17 Feb 2020

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