Publish What You Fund index calls GAVI one of best improvers in publishing information on how money is spent in developing countries 


Geneva, 3 October 2012 - The GAVI Alliance welcomes the 2012 aid transparency index that acknowledges the global health partnership for its increasing dedication to aid transparency. The index gives GAVI high marks for the "publication of high quality, current activity data" and calls on the organisation "to continue to lead on aid transparency".

The index – produced annually by Publish What You Fund – ranks 72 aid organisations across the world, from country donors to private foundations. At the index launch in Washington on 1 October 2012, Dr David Hall-Matthews, Managing Director of Publish what you Fund recognised GAVI as one of the best improvers in publishing information which allows people in the developing world see how money is spent in their countries.

...communicating effectively on what is being spent where, by whom, and with what results is the basic foundation of the GAVI model

Dr Seth Berkley, GAVI CEO

Dr Seth Berkley, Chief Executive Officer at the GAVI Alliance states that “Accountability for results in country is the highest order of what we do; therefore communicating effectively on what is being spent where, by whom, and with what results is the basic foundation of the GAVI model.”

The report follows GAVI’s efforts to make more information about its work publicly available in recent years. While being lauded for its progress, GAVI recognizes that a lot remains to be done to improve the public accessibility of its information in order to facilitate effective development cooperation.

GAVI was a founding signatory to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) in 2008, and uses this global standard for publishing aid information to make information about aid spending easier to find, use and compare.


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