Our two funding streams, direct contributions and innovative finance, account for 77% and 23% respectively of the Vaccine Alliance’s overall funding portfolio.

Direct contributions include grants and agreements from donor governments, foundations, corporations and organisations.


Multi-year donor commitments, stretching over a five-year funding period, are crucial to sustaining current programmes, as well as to our ability to purchase new vaccines. To attract long-term investment in immunisation, Gavi has developed a portfolio of innovative finance mechanisms tailored to donor budget requirements.


Sustainability and country ownership are at the heart of Gavi’s dynamic resource mobilisation model. Building on strong donor support, our model also relies on a mix of country co-financing and active market shaping.

Multi-year pledges and commitments from donors provide countries with predictable funding that is essential to launching lasting immunisation programmes. From the outset, Gavi-supported countries are required to contribute a portion of the cost of purchasing their vaccines. The co-financing policy helps countries lay the foundation for programme sustainability after Gavi’s financial support ends.

Shaping vaccine markets to make them work for developing countries is another core component of our business model and a vital part of delivering sustainable immunisation programmes. Our market shaping activities are greatly enhanced by long-term funding commitments that give manufacturers visibility of future demand, which in turn helps to ensure affordable and sustainable vaccine prices.


The success of our model relies on the ability of donors to fulfil their multi-year pledges in a timely manner so as to not interrupt the flow of life-saving vaccines and programmes. Gavi works with donors to ensure that they adhere to their contribution agreements.

Key figures

The latest figures summarising Gavi's donor contributions and pledges.

Donor profiles

Donor and partner profiles showing who has given what to Gavi in support of immunisation.

Financial reports

The Vaccine Alliance’s audited consolidated financial statements and reports.


Gavi's dynamic resource mobilisation model and replenishment results.

Last updated: 26 Mar 2024

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